Saturday, February 13, 2010

Freemasonary Exposed.

"When the Son of Man comes in His glory with all his angels, He will sit on the throne on His Glory. All the nations will be brought before Him, and as a shepherd separates sheep from goats, so will He do with them, placing the sheep on his right and the goats on His left. The King will say to those on His right, 'Come, blessed of my Father! Take possession of the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world.'

Then He will say to those on His left (the goats), 'Go cursed people, out of my sight into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels!" Matthew25:31

It is interesting to note how in Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, the image and symbolism associated with evil doers is connected with goats, and those who do what is good, as sheep.

This is why God, through Jesus, often calls Himself the good Shepherd, and His obedient followers the herd of sheep, but those who follow satan, or disobedient and rebellious, as the goats.

Anyone that has ever raised or had sheep and/or goats, can clearly and immediately see why Jesus/God, uses this analogy with goats and sheep.

As a kid, we had a large herd of goats, and goats are some of the stubbornest, hard headed and rebellious animals around. They would constantly be jumping the fence, going under the fence, and/or finding the holes that would allow them to go through the fence. They were always doing what they were not suppose to do.

Sometimes, due to their lack obedience, they would manage to get killed often times because they would jump the property boundaries and end up getting mauled/killed by our neighbors dogs and/or the neighbor himself. The goats see a boundary, a fence, and/or a limit, and they immediately test this by overcoming it, and getting lost or killed.

On the other hand, anyone that has ever raised sheep, know that sheep are pretty easy to raise due to their gentle and obedient natures. They stay close to farmer/rancher's home, and do not stray too far from this safety.
The same can be said for those souls, or people, who are also constantly testing, and constantly overcoming the boundaries and limits of the moral law. They too face a certain death, although in this case a spiritual death. For all flesh dies, but not all spirit has to die, but many choose this death, eitheir directly or indirectly by what they do, or what they fail to do.

Is it any wonder why throughout history, the devil too has been pictured or associated with having the head of a goat. Even in inverted pentagrams, designed to perform satanic rituals, the head of a goat is placed inside of these satanic ritualistic designs.

The fact that the White House, is at the point, where the inverted pentagram points to, is no mistake, and neither is the fact that these secret societies perform and partake in these pagan/satanic rituals, and have done so for centuries.

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