Saturday, October 6, 2012


As you read the following information regarding the coming comet that was just discovered a few days ago, keep in mind the following timeline: the world war has basically already begun, with Turkey and Syria lobbing attacks back and forth among them. The war is going to quickly progress over the next few weeks and months. Throughout all prophecy, Biblical and non-Biblical sources, all describe a comet, major signs in the heavens, and something major hitting the Earth. Both Nostradamus and the Book of Revelation refer to this event. Something like a mountain hitting the sea.
The fact that this comet was just discovered, and perhaps has never before orbited around our sun, is a bit unique, and lends itself to it being the very sign that has been prophesied about in so many different ancient texts.
This coming comet is what will usher in the Divine Chastisement! That which the Illuminati want the people to be ignorant of, due to the fact that the more ignorant they are of this coming Divine chastisement, the more they will reject God's mercy and will not repent. The devil wants to take as many souls as possible, so the Illuminati have to downplay this comet threat. Over the next year, they will do just that. As the world war is being fought, the great comet of chastisement, being sent by God the Father Himself, will gradually make its way here.
I cover this topic in my newest book PROPHECY IN THE MAKING BOOK.

Comet 'shining 15 times brighter than moon' will fly by our planet in 2013

By Eddie Wrenn

They are one of the most spectacular views a human could hope to see - and next year a comet which could outshine the moon is due to fly by the Earth.
Comet ISON is visiting the inner solar system and is set to put on spectacular views for the Northern Hemisphere across November and December as it heads towards the sun.
It may prove to be brighter than any comet of the last century - visible even in broad daylight - and this may end up being its one and only trip to the solar system, as its trajectory may see it plunge into the sun in a fiery death.
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Look to the skies next year: Comet ISON could produce a spectacular show when it flies by next year - similar to the 1997 appearance of Hale-Bopp (pictured)
Look to the skies next year: Comet ISON could produce a spectacular show when it flies by next year - similar to the 1997 appearance of Hale-Bopp (pictured)
How Hale-Bopp looked above Alaska: Next year's comet is predicted to be even more spectacular, and remain in the skies for weeks
How Hale-Bopp looked above Alaska: Next year's comet is predicted to be even more spectacular, and remain in the skies for weeks
Spotted in space: Two astronomers from Russia discovered the icy ball, dimly lit against background stars
Spotted in space: Two astronomers from Russia discovered the icy ball, pictured here dimly lit against background stars
It is currently moving inwards from beyond Jupiter, and as it approaches the Earth, the 'dirty snowball' could produce a dazzling display, burning brighter than the moon and potentially being visible in broad daylight.
The comet, discovered by astronomers using the International Scientific Optical Network telescope in Russia, will pass within two million miles of the sun's surface - making it s 'sun-grazing' comet.
It is on a 'parabolic' orbit, which means it probably originated from the outer skirts of the solar system, perhaps from the Oort cloud - a mass of icy debris which lies 50,000 times further from the sun than the Earth does.
If comet ISON survives the encounter, it could take thousands - potentially millions - of years before the comet passes back through the inner solar system.


Look to the skies next year: Comet ISON could produce a spectacular show when it flies by next year
Hale-Bopp sailed overhead, leaving two trails: An ionic trail of magnetically-charged particles facing directly away from the sun (left), and a trail of dust and debris (right)
Comets are dusty balls of ice, which generally originate from the Kuipler belt - a region of icy small bodies beyond Neptune.
Occasionally, a comet gets dislodged from its orbit, and plunges in to the inner solar system.
They differ from asteroids, which are made of metal or rock, and are usually the left over remnants of planets or moons.
Comets are not really reflective - they only reflect 4% of the the Sun's rays, about the same as coal. So although they look brilliantly white from Earth, they are black at the surface.
Halley's comet is the most well-known, named after Edmond Halley who noted the regular 75-76-year appearance of a comet, and predicted it would return in 1758, although sadly the astronomer died 16 years before he was proved correct.
Halley's comet has passed within a fraction of the Earth before - in 1910 the Earth even moved through the comet's tail.
Sadly, the 1986 re-appearance was the worst for 2,000 years, as the Earth and the comet were on opposite sides of the sun.

The comet will begin brightening once it gets within Jupiter's orbit, as the sun's heat begins boiling the ice locked within the comet, converting it directly into gas.
It is likely to recall the excitement of Comet Hale-Bopp, which sailed past the Earth in 1997, appearing as a static-looking smear in the skies across the Northern Hemisphere.
It is also set to outshine 'the greatest comet of the last century' - Comet McNaught, which shone brighter than Venus as it passed above the southern hemisphere in 1965.
Comets are known as 'dirty snowballs', although technically a better definition would be 'snowy dirtballs', as comets are generally rocky at the surface, with chemical-laden ice within the interior.
As the ice and chemicals heat up, they erupt as brilliant jets which can form tails lasting hundreds of thousands of kilometres in length.
The comet is expected to be bright throughout late November and early December.
Robin Scagell, vice-president of the Society for Popular Astronomy, said: 'This is a very exciting discovery.
'The comet looks like it could become a very spectacular sight in the evening sky after sunset from the UK in late November and early December next year.
'Our members will be eagerly following it as it makes its first trip around the Sun and hoping to see it shining brilliantly and displaying a magnificent tail as it releases powerful jets of gas and dust.'
If a major event like a Comet striking the earth is supposed to happen, where are the references of this momentous event in the writings of Nostradamus? In his quatrain I.69 Nostradamus described this event without mentioning the word 'Comet' directly. Elsewhere, he used the word 'Comet' or 'Bearded Star' but avoided any direct reference to the comet striking the earth. But there are many quatrains spread all over his book, which describe the after-effects or side effects of the comet-strike, e.g. huge and sudden floods, earthquakes, "fire from the sky", falling of "red hail" etc. Many of these quatrains are usually interpreted as describing the use of nuclear weapons, but a closer scrutiny would reveal that these quatrains are referring to something more than a nuclear war. The summary of my conclusions arrived from analyzing various prophecies, including those of Nostradamus are somewhat like this:
  1. The comet will appear suddenly during the World War III, changing the course of the war. At that time, an attempt would be going on to forge a peace treaty between the islamic coalition and the western coalition. But after the comet strikes, the Europe will be in ruins and the USA severely crippled, easterners will seize the opportunity to attack and conquer all of the Europe.
  2. It will come to view for only one to two weeks before it crashes on earth. Scientists will not be able to detect its approach beforehand. There will be very little to do except to try to escape. Casualties will be in millions.
  3. The Comet will break into several pieces due to the gravitational pull of the Earth. The biggest piece will fall on the ocean causing huge tidal waves. Some big pieces will fall on the land in southern Europe, releasing huge amounts of dust into the atmosphere and dimming the sunlight. It will also cause tectonic and volcanic activities in Europe and elsewhere. Although Nostradamus speaks about Europe only, it is a forgone conclusion that the damage will not be limited to Europe only. Due to the earth's rotating motion, pieces will fall all over the earth, including the USA. Somehow, the Arab countries seem to escape the destruction. Most of the damage, as described by Nostradamus, are concentrated within the northern hemisphere and within 40 to 50 degrees latitude.
  4. For several days, smaller burning pieces, broken off from the Comet will plunge through the atmosphere in a continuous stream causing huge fires in various cities and forests, thereby destroying them. This is the 'fire from the sky". Waters in rivers and sea will be polluted as a result.
  5. The comet will be red in color. This is the cause of "Red hail" covering the earth. I was surprised as to how a Comet can be red in color. However, a search of the internet revealed that there is a class of Comets called the "Centaurs" which are amazingly red in color. The first such comet which was discovered was called "Chiron". There are also comets in the Kuiper-belt which are even redder than the sun. The red color of the comet and its long tail will give the impression that it is burning, even before it enters the earth's atmosphere. 
The quatrains of Nostradamus which indicate the Comet-strike and its after-effects are given below:
Very near Auch, Lectoure and Mirande great fire will fall from the sky for three nights: the cause will appear both stupefying and marvelous: very soon after, the earth will tremble. - I.46

This quatrain describes the hail of burning meteorites from the broken up comet falling on towns in South-Western France. This is before the big chunks hit the earth. The cause is indeed "stupefying and marvelous" for never before in recorded history has such a thing happened in the world. The trembling of the earth occurs soon afterwards, when the big pieces of the comet strike the earth and the sea.

The great mountain, seven stadia round, after peace, war, famine, flooding. It will spread far, drowning great countries, even antiquities and their great foundations - I.69
Here is the actual description of the Comet and its size before breaking up. The tidal waves created by the strike of the comet in the sea will spread far, flooding many countries. It is also indicated that war will take place just after the disaster.
The Moon obscured in deep gloom, her brother passes with rusty color: The great one hidden for a long time under the shadows will hold the blade in the bloody wound. - I.84
As a result of the dust that will rise in the atmosphere after large pieces of the comet strike the land, the moon will be obscured and the rays of the sun will diminish, giving it a dull red color. The eastern forces, on the receiving end when the WW-III started, will strike back immediately, seizing this God-given opportunity and taking advantage of the destruction of the western forces and their countries after the comet-strike disaster.
Because of the solar heat on the sea of Negrepont the fishes half cooked: The inhabitants will eat them, when there is a lack of food in Rhodes and Genoa.- II.3
After the comet strike, food will be scarce in Italy. Burning comet fragments will fall into the sea around Negrepont, killing all aquatic life. People will be forced to eat the dead fish, half-cooked in the boiling water by the immense heat generated by the burning comet fragments.
Shortly before the monarch is assassinated, Castor and Pollux in the ship, bearded star: The public treasure emptied by land and sea, Pisa, Asti, Terrara, Turin are forbidden lands - II.15
Around the time of the appearance of the comet, a notable leader, probably from Italy, will be assassinated. Castor & Pollux in the ship indicates that there will be twins in the Papacy i.e. there will be two rival Popes as indicated in many other prophecies. After the comet-strike, the tidal waves will destroy many Italian cities. Whatever is left will be taken away by the invading eastern forces.
New, impetuous and sudden rain will suddenly halt two armies. Celestial stone, fires make the sea stony, the death of seven by land and sea sudden - II.18
The celestial stone, i.e. the comet and its burning pieces will rain all over the sea and land. This sudden disaster will temporarily halt the World War due to deaths of leaders due to the catastrophe.
The aimless army of Europe will depart, collecting itself near the submerged isle: The D'Arton fleet will bend the phalanx, at the navel of the world a greater voice substituted.-II.22
The submerged island is Great Britain, which is submerged as a result of the tidal waves generated by the comet-strike. This reference is also found in other quatrains. The remains of the "aimless" army, probably the NATO forces (D'Arton may be an anagram of NATO) will gather around the submerged Great Britain after suffering great losses as a result of the comet disaster and will probably depart for the USA. The navel of the world - Rome, will be taken over by the eastern forces. But this might also refer to the anti-pope who will remain there after the Pope flees.
The great star will burn for seven days and the cloud will make the sun appear double. The large mastiff will howl all night when the great pontiff changes his abode - II.41

In all likelihood "the great star" burning for seven days is the Comet which will be seen in the sky for seven days before is strikes the Earth. The duration is close to the "six days" mentioned in Mother Shipton's prophecies. The comet has to be very close to the Earth to be visible in the daylight as another "sun". Imagine what a fearsome Red Comet with a long tail rushing towards Earth will appear like ! This is a moment of absolute terror for the humanity. The Pope is airlifted to safety, probably to the USA, after scientists work out that the major impact points will be around Europe. "The large mastiff will howl all night" - probably indicates the continuous sound of the siren that will sound in Rome and probably in all cities of Europe when emergency evacuation measures are taken to move people away from southern Europe.

During the appearance of the bearded star, the three great princes will be made enemies: Struck from the sky, peace earth quaking, Po, Tiber overflowing, serpent placed upon the shore. -II.43
When the Comet ("bearded star"- the star with beard) appears, the war will go on. This quatrain too links the appearance of the comet with the war. Then it will strike the earth from the sky. The water from the tidal waves will even travel inland and the rivers will overflow as a result and earthquakes will occur. The "serpent placed upon the shore" is the Antichrist, who will later seize the opportunity and land in the shores of Europe and conquer it.
After great misery for mankind an even greater approaches when the great cycle of the centuries is renewed. It will rain blood, milk, famine, war and disease. In the sky will be seen a fire, dragging a trail of sparks - II.46
As if the WW-III is not a misery enough for the mankind, a Comet "fire dragging a trail of sparks" approaches from the sky to wreck destruction by hitting the earth. The red rain is resulted by the red dust of the comet which will rise in the atmosphere. Widespread famine will spread because of dying crops as a result of reduced sunlight and disease is the natural effect after such a disaster. This event takes place at the early part of the millennium when the "great cycle of the centuries is renewed". Pretty gloomy picture indeed !
Mabus then will soon die, there will come of people and beasts a horrible rout: Then suddenly one will see vengeance, hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run. - II.62
The famous quatrain which generated endless speculations about who this Mabus is. After "Mabus" - probably an Islamic leader dies, the Comet will arrive and strike the earth. Eastern forces will seize the opportunity provided by the chaos to take the revenge for the death of "Mabus" and attack Europe as is also indicated elsewhere. In the Europe, ravaged by the comet-strike, thirst, hunger and death will prevail.
The dart from the sky will make its journey, deaths while speaking: great execution. The stone in the tree, the proud nation brought down, noise, rumor of a human monster, purge and expiation.
The "dart from the sky" is the comet. When its coming, some kind of talks (speaking) to stop the WW-III will be going on. "The stone in the tree" probably means that parts of the comet will strike forests. I have a hunch that the "proud nation" means the USA. if so, this means that USA will be brought down economically as well as militarily as a result of the comet disaster. This perhaps explains why the eastern forces will manage to invade and conquer Europe. The rumor of a human monster refers to the rumor among the Islamic forces that the Anti-Christ or "al-Dajjal" has appeared amongst them. This has been mentioned in the Islamic prophecies - The Prophet (S) said, "You will fight the Romans, and Believers from the Hijaz will fight them after you, until Allah enables them to conquer Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey) and Rome with Tasbih and Takirr (saying "Subhdn Allah" and "Allahu Akbar"). Its fortifications will collapse, and they will obtain booty the like of which has never been seen, so that they will share it out by scooping it up with their shields. Then someone will cry, 'O Muslims! the Dajjal is in your country, with your families', and the people will leave the wealth. Anyone who takes notice will regret it and anyone who ignores it will regret it. They will ask, 'Who shouted?' but they will not know who he is. They will say, 'Send a vanguard to Ilya'. If the Dajjal has appeared, you will hear about his deeds.' So they will go and see, and if they see that everything is normal, they will say, 'No-one would give a shout like that for no reason, so let us go together to Ilya'.' If we find the Dajjal there we will fight him together, until Allah decides between us and him. If we do not find the Dajjal, we will go back to our country and our families.' "
Through fire from the sky the city almost burned: The floods threatens Deucalion again: Sardinia vexed by the African fleet, after Libra will leave Leo - II.81
"Deucalion" is the Greek equivalent of Noah and survived the great flood by building a boat when the god Zeus, because of the wicked ways of the human race, destroyed them by flood. The "fire from sky" in association of floods indicate that the Comet strike will result in the flood (of similar proportions as during Noah's time) due to Tsunami waves. Some of the burning fragments may strike cities. Soon after, Arab forces will start attacking Europe.

At sunrise one will see a great fire, noise and light extending towards Aquilon: Within the globe death and one will hear cries, through steel, fire, famine, death awaiting them.- II.91

A description of the comet approaching to strike the earth at the northern hemisphere  with "great fire, noise and light" during sunrise. This disaster, coupled with the WW-III, will leave a large population of the earth dead or dying.

Fire color of gold from the sky seen on earth: struck by the high born one, a marvelous happening: Great slaughter for humanity: the nephew of the great one taken, deaths of spectators, the proud one escaped - II.92

The "high born one" probably refers to God. Nostradamus believes that divine action is behind the comet-strike. There will be a large number of deaths. A nephew of a notable person will die in the disaster. A piece will also fall on the spectators gathering to watch the splendor of comet-pieces falling to earth, leading to their death. A notable leader - the "proud one" will escape such a fate.

Burning torch will be seen in the sky at night near the end and beginning of the Rhone: Famine, steel: the relief provided late, Persia turns to invade Macedonia - II.96

The "burning torch" is probably parts of the broken up comet approaching the ground. War and famine will lead to deaths. Shortly afterwards, the Islamic forces from Iran will invade Macedonia.

The Great Britain comprising England will come to be flooded very high by waters. The new League of Ausonia will make war, So that they will come to strive against them. - III.70

After a large comet fragment strikes the sea, probably Atlantic Ocean, huge tidal waves will flood many parts of Great Britain. When the eastern forces attack Italy later, a coalition of the western forces, including Britain will try to resist them.

To swallow the burning sun in the throat, the Tuscan land sprinkled with human blood, the leader leads his son away, the pail of water, a captive lady led into Turkish lands - IV.58

Burning pieces of the comet will strike Italy, killing many people. A leader escapes but a lady, probably a politician or leader will be captured by the invading forces and taken away as prisoner of war to Turkey.

The year that Saturn and Mars are equal fiery, The air very dry, parched, long meteor: Through secret fires a great place blazing from burning heat, Little rain, warm wind, wars, incursions. - IV.67

The "long meteor" is the comet. Heat from the burning fragments will parch the lands. As a result, the weather will change as warm and dry winds diminish any chance of rain. The war and attack by the enemy will resume soon after.

Fire will fall from the sky on to the royal building when the light of war is weakened. For seven months a great war, people dead through evil, Rouen and Evreux will not fail the king - IV.100

The burning comet will strike the earth just when some sort of peace treaty was being negotiated to end the World War III and there was a lull in the fight. But after the comet strikes, the Islamic alliance, seizing the opportunity, will attack Europe with full force and the resulting war will go on for seven months killing many people.

Where all is good, all well abundant, in Sun and Moon its ruin approaches. It comes from heaven as you boast of your fortune, in the same state as the seventh rock - V.32

I think in this quatrain Nostradamus speaks of the USA. But as they boast of their abundance and good fortune, the Comet comes from the heaven to ruin the country and its economy and leave it in a desolated state as the seventh rock of apocalypse.

Too long a stay for the English chief at Nîmes, Towards Spain Redbeard to the rescue: Many will die by war opened that day, When a bearded star will fall in Artois. - V.59

A piece of the comet will fall in Artois when the war is already going on. The British will be fighting in France and Spain.

At the 48th degree of the climacteric, the end of Cancer there is a very drought. Fish in the sea, river and the lake boiled hectic, Bearn & Bigorre in distress from fire in the sky - V.98

Burning Comet fragments will fall in France around the 48th degree parallel. "Fire in the sky" from burning comet fragments will fall on cities of France and on the sea, rivers and lakes, killing aquatic life.

The incendiary trapped in his own fire; fire from the sky at Carcassonne and the Comminges: Foix, Auch, Mazères, the high old man escaped, Through those of Hesse and Thuringia, and some Saxons. - V.100

Yet another reference of the "fire from the sky" falling on various cities of South Western France. This description seems to be recurring in various quatrains - indication of its widespread nature. The event is also correlated with the ongoing war.

At forty and five degrees the sky will burn, Fire to approach the great new city: In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up, When one will want to demand proof of the Normans. - VI.97

This may indicate that USA will not escape the death and destruction of Europe either, due to the comet-strike. New York city is situated at 40.5 degrees. When a burning fragment of the comet strikes the city, a huge flame will leap up. The issue regarding France is not clear at this time.

Condom and Auch and around Mirande, I see fire from the sky which encompasses them. Sun and Mars conjoined in Leo, then at Marmande, lightning, great hail, a wall falls into the Garonne. - VIII.2

French cities are engulfed by "Fire from the sky" and "great hail" and lightning. Nostradamus probably tells here of the fragments of the comet which falls on the land. The description is similar to the "hail and fire" mentioned in the Biblical Revelations.

A great stench will come from Lausanne, but they will not know its origin, they will put out all people from distant places, fire seen in the sky, a foreign nation defeated. - VIII.9

The stench from Lausanne might be a result of some chemical or biological weapon released during the war by the eastern forces. The "fire in the sky" describes the comet-strike as usual. The foreign nation - the Islamic alliance will be defeated later.

At the place where HIERON has his ship built, there will be such a great sudden flood, that one will not have a place nor land to fall upon, the waves rise to the Olympic Fesulan. - VIII.16

Hieron or Hiero-II was the ruler of Syracuse (in the Italian island of Sicily) around 270 BC. He had a great ship named "Syracusia" built in Syracuse. It appears that a sudden flood of huge proportions will engulf Sicily. The water would reach upto Faesulae (Fiesole in Italy), which is 970 feet (almost 300 metres) above sea level in the Valdarno Fiorentino Hills. If sea water can reach such a height suddenly, such that there will not be any "land to fall upon", then this must be caused by a huge tidal wave or Tsunami resulting from the Comet striking the Mediterranean Ocean.

The antichrist very soon annihilates the three, twenty-seven years his war will last. The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled; with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.-VIII.77

This quatrain associates the war of the Antichrist / World War III with the comet-strike. "Red hail" are the un-burnt pieces of the Red Comet which will cover the earth. Water results from the tidal waves arising out of the comet striking the sea & oceans. Huge number of deaths will result from the war as well as from the comet strikes.

The trembling of the earth at Mortara. The tin island of St. George half sunk; Drowsy with peace, war will arise, At Easter in the temple abysses opened. - XIII.31

The tin island of St. George is Great Britain, which will be half sunk due to the huge tidal waves generated by the comet strike. The other half - the "island" of Scotland (Highlands) will only remain above the water. Just before the comet strike, a peace treaty would be attempted to be negotiated. But the comet strike would change all that. Taking advantage of the situation, the eastern forces will attack and conquer Europe. The trembling at Mortara is probably associated with a comet piece hitting the land there. Earthquakes will result all over Europe. The timing is probably near Easter i.e. in April.
Sun twentieth of Taurus the earth will tremble very mightily, It will ruin the great theater filled: To darken and trouble air, sky and land, Then the infidel will call upon God and saints.-IX.83
While this is commonly taken as a quatrain describing a great earthquake, the darkness in sky and land indicate that it is more likely to be a description of the comet-strike scenario. The darkness is due to the rising dust in the atmosphere, blocking the sunlight and reducing visibility. The timing here too is around April - May. The reference to the infidel indicates the war of the Antichrist that will resume soon after with much vigor.
A very mighty trembling in the month of May, Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter and Mercury in Taurus: Venus also, Cancer, Mars in Virgo, Hail will fall larger than an egg. -  X.67

Another description of the great trembling of the earth around May, probably the comet strike. The hail of size larger than egg indicates the falling of large comet pieces.

The year of the great seventh number accomplished, it will appear at the time of the games of slaughter, not far from the age of the great millennium, when the dead will come out of their graves - X.74
As for the timing of the WW-III (the games of slaughter) and the comet strike, it will be after the "Year of the great Seventh number", which is seven, "not far from the great millennium" i.e. the year 2007. By "it will appear", Nostradamus probably means the appearance or striking of the earth by a comet which he indicated in other quatrains and is also mentioned in the Bible, bringing widespread devastation to the world already at war. Thus, a comet will strike the earth when the Third World War is going on.
From the above quatrains it can be said that although Nostradamus does not mention in explicit terms like various other prophecies, that a comet will hit the earth when the WW-III will be going on, he describes the various phenomena that is consistent with such a comet strike. He also associates these happenings with the ongoing war and his descriptions of the event are in consonance with the description of the events given in various other prophecies.
Scientists have been worrying about an asteroid or comet hitting the earth ever since it became apparent that such an event may have decimated the dinosaurs millions of years ago. After the recent incident when the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 hit Jupiter after breaking up into several pieces, there has been increasing nervousness about the possibility. But humans are ill-prepared to counter such an eventuality. In many cases, comets and asteroids have been detected on their path away from the earth after they have already missed the earth narrowly. In this case, the red comet will be visible for only a few days before it hits the earth, when it is already trapped in the gravitational pull of the earth and is spiraling towards it. The comet also comes in the most inopportune moment, when a large number of countries are engaged in a most vicious war. It is doubtful whether anything could have been done even if no war was going on. But in this case, nothing could be done except to run away and hide. Millions, if not Billions will die as a result of the fire, tidal waves, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, famine and the man made war all influenced by a single event - "The Comet-Strike".


For 25 years, the Virgin Mary and Her Divine Son appeared to the late Veronica Lueken, mother of five children, during Rosary Vigils at the Vatican Pavilion Site in Flushing Meadows Park, New York.

The Blessed Virgin tearfully warns that World War III AND THEN a massive fiery comet will exterminate billions of people "within this century, if not sooner," unless there is a sweeping return to traditional values. Our Lady requested that a Shrine and Basilica be erected on Her chosen Sacred Site where She first appeared (on the spot at the old St. Robert Bellarmine Church in Bayside), which is to be named "Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers." She promised to come on the eve of the great feast days of the Church. Our Lady has requested that the Rosary be recited aloud by the crowd during the whole of the Vigil. All are requested to kneel in the presence of Jesus. The Message is repeated word for word by Veronica. Veronica also describes what she sees. All is recorded by tape. The Blessed Mother also instructed Veronica to disseminate the messages given to her throughout the whole world. She was named by Heaven as "Veronica of the Cross." Numerous cures and conversions have been wrought, some of them massive, with doctors' statements and medical documentation providing authentication.



1. On March 29, 1975, Our Lady showed Veronica in vision a map. Veronica saw Jerusalem, Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, and Africa.

2. Our Lady - "The start of the Third World War, My child… "

3. Jesus: "Many mothers shall face, in the world calamity, the loss of their sons. Many shall truly join Me upon the cross." - March 29, 1975

4. Veronica…."I see, it looks like a large field. Oh, it's like a countryside, because there are mountains, and I am looking down now upon a river. Oh no, it's more like a lake, because I can see all the foliage and the trees around it."

5 "But down now over in the woods, there are many, many crosses -- crosses white-washed, painted white. Now I'm looking down, and now I'm walking among these crosses, and they do not have names upon the crosses."

6 Our Lady - "My child, look and weep with Me, for you are witnessing the total destruction that will come upon mankind in the Great War, your Third World War. So many will die, My child, that there will be no time to mark the graves."

7 "Mothers shall long to see and know where their sons lie, but to no avail. This comfort will not be given to them, so great will be the loss of life. Can you not turn back now and beg the forgiveness of the Eternal Father before it is too late?"

8 "Are you so blind to the truth, My children, that you do not see the road you are travelling on?"

9 Our Lady - "I repeat: The Chastisement will be great, but man must understand: there is another chastisement. One will come from man, through the hands of man, a war so great that it will almost exterminate the earth, but for the merciful heart of the Eternal Father; and the Chastisement of the Ball of Redemption." - November 20, 1978

10 On September 7, 1974 Veronica described what she saw: Letters are coming out in the sky now. They are large letters: PERSECUTION OF THE MYSTICAL BODY. It is written -- PERSECUTION OF THE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST DEMON 6 IS BEING RELEASED!

11 Our Lady - "There will be many among you who will claim to be the Christ. Remember, My children, My Son shall return only the way He left, as He ascended into the Heavens. He will come down, return, descend from the Heavens with the armies of Heaven behind Him. Accept none who will pass themselves off to you as the Christ, the living God! Reject those creatures of hell in human form! Reject them though they may come to you with great powers of satan. Number 6 - Beware of the anti-christ among you. Number 6 He will promote now the Third World War, the great war of destruction to mankind. A war that has never been met with a sequel upon mankind! A war of destruction so great that countries SHALL DISAPPEAR IN A FRACTION OF A SECOND! So great will be the power of 6 that HE SHALL START THIS WAR!"

12 Our Lady - "While your leaders throughout your world are crying for peace and do they present in the news medias as they prepare for war. O My children, wars are a punishment for man's sins." - July 14, 1979.


1. On October 2, 1979, Our Lady said…"My child and My children, do not be affrighted by My words. The world shall not come to an end. The Eternal Father has given His promise to mankind, that the world shall never be made extinct again, as in the past with the time of the floods. However, your world shall be cleansed with a 'baptism of fire'. Only a few, in the multitudes upon earth, shall be saved. You have been asked to make a choice between the Cross and the Serpent. And this choice has also been asked of the clergy in My Son's House, His Church upon earth."

2. Our Lady - "I have spoken to you of the BALL OF REDEMPTION to meet with much speculation from souls, I shall explain now, how this will come about:"

3. "The ball will descend from the atmosphere of your earth: it will be from the heavens; it will not be man-made; it will be part of the universe."

4. "YOUR PLANET WILL BE STRUCK!" - March 24, 1972.

5. Our Lady - "In this chastisement, My children, billions will be lost. Many lives will be lost." - October 6, 1973.

6. Our Lady - "Your earth, in due time, will be struck!" - October 6, 1973.

7. Veronica - my goodness! Oh, there's - up in the sky - there's that tremendous thing, a ball of fire. It looks like another giant sun. Oh, my! It looks like a giant sun - it's so big! And it's spinning! There are two suns! It looks just like two suns! They are almost the same size. Oh! The one on the left is spinning, though it's heading towards the other one. Oh! My! Oh! It's like two suns in the sky. They're tremendous! The ball on the left, it's coming in very fast. It's an volute ball of fire and it's giving out like trails of gases, I guess, vapors, because they're not solid. It's like flames and smokes vapors. Oh! Oh! My! - September 7, 1974.

8. Veronica - Now I see coming through the sky a tremendous huge ball. Oh! It's like a giant sun. But as it is travelling through the sky now it seems to be turning colours, white and orange, and spinning so fast, that it's like it's hurling through space. Aaah! It has tremendous heat! It feels like I am watching it standing so close to it, it's awfully hot….Ohooo! Now as it's going through space -- I see now -- it's going towards a very large ball. But now I'm looking at it, the other ball is coming close to a --- it's like --- it's a globe of the world!- April 13, 1974

9. Jesus..."My children, I hear voices of disdain shouting, sadism! Is this a sadist God who promises such destruction upon His creation?"

10. "I say unto you ,as your God, I bring not your destruction. You will bring about your own destruction, for I leave you, as your God, to the exercise of your free will. In your free will, if you reject your God and the plan for man's redemption as given from the beginning of time, I say unto you -- you will destroy yourselves!!" -- May 18, 1977.

11. Our Lady..."You only bring upon yourself a punishment far greater than ever has been seen upon earth and never shall be seen again, for when you go through this chastisement, there will be few creatures left upon earth." -- April 13, 1974.

12. Our Lady - "Can you not understand that when the Ball of Redemption is sent upon you three-quarters of your world shall be gone?" - November 1, 1977.

TIMING OF THE GREAT CHASTISEMENT:1. Our Lady - "They are now planning for the entrance of the evil one, the man of dark secrets onto the seat of Peter!" September 14, 1072. [THIS IS THE COMING BLACK POPE. THE ILLUMINATI POPE WILL BE SEEN IN THE NEXT 6 MONTHS! BETWEEN OCT 2012 AND NOV.2013]

2. On November 1, 1972, Veronica described what she saw: Now there are four men who have come forward and are standing next to Our Lady. Jesus came through the sky -- down to join Our Lady at the right side of the flagpole. He was dressed in a long burgundy red gown - the red was in the cloak - His undergarment was a cream color. His feet were in sandals - brown leather like sandals. Jesus raised his hand and pointed over to the three men, saying:"

3. "Doctors of the House of God." (Over the men's heads names appeared. St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Robert Bellarmine...and the other man is faceless, but there is a large question mark over his head.)

4. Jesus then said: "This is the MAN OF MANY FACES WHO WALKS NOW IN THE HOLY HOUSE OF GOD - only you hold the decision to his fate!"

5. Our Lady turned and motioned to this man who has no face - saying: "He is being developed to enter upon THE SEAT OF PETER. All trials coming from the abyss can enter into this Man of Perdition! A CONSTANT VIGILANCE OF PRAYER MUST NOW BE KEPT THROUGHOUT YOUR EARTH! The time for your Vicar has been extended but only for a short time. When he is removed from the seat of Peter THE MAN OF DARK SECRETS IS WAITING!"

6. On March 18, 1974, Veronica: I see, there is a man coming, now forward. He is dressed all in white. He has on a little hat like a calotte, sort of hat on his head, and he has a rosary at his side. There is a band about his waist. His hair looks very white. He is carrying a Bible in his hand, his left hand, and the cross in his right hand. Now, he is smiling : "Do you know who I am, my child?..

7. " -- Oh! it is St. Pius ... St. Pius X.

8. "Yes, child,... one will be entered into the House of God, and woe to man when he places him upon the seat of Peter, for then the great day of the Lord shall be at hand."

9. Our Lady - "The sign of the Son of Man will appear before the great Chastisement." - April 14, 1974.

10. Our Lady - "Man has only one means now to avert the planned Chastisement and Warning. The Warning and the Chastisement will follow soon upon each other if man continues on his present course. He must now humble himself before the world. He must do much penance, sacrifices, and make atonement for the many offenses against his God. Only in this manner will I, as a Mediatrix between man and God, be able to hold back the destruction which is fast heading towards earth." - September 28, 1973.


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