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The confused, angry, fearful mass of people, (cattle as the Illuminati refer to us) once again being manipulated by the satanic overlords.



Over the past week or so, I have carefully noticed the careful implementation of yet another Illuminati ploy. A ploy that was meant to divert, subvert, promote and head off a true from the street, of the street movement.

Why do I surmise that it is yet another ploy? Simple. If the mainstream Illuminati/elite main stream media is covering it, that right there is a huge red flag. Any true non-illuminati movement is ignored by the main stream press, or ridiculed and then ignored. This movement has not only not been ignored, but it in some cases, has been embraced by the msm.

Another sign that this is not a true people's movement, but another carefully manipulated movement is the fact that all Illuminati movements, from the French Revolution in the 1700's to today, always seek to divert and divide the masses. It is one of satan's greatest tactics---to divide and conquer. The game is always so simple. They create, through their Hegelian Dialectic formula, the divisive movement, the people are made to take one side or the other, conflict ensues, then they arrive like the saviors of the movement with an all encompassing compromise that further deteriorates the freedom of the masses and further concentrates it for them, the elites. The game they play is a very old one, but people always fall for it. Why? Because the Illuminati not only appeal to people's pride, but they poke and instigate other's pride. For pride is the root cause of all 7 deadly sins and satan fell because of the very thing that he and his minions not only seek, but to cultivate in the masses as well. This is why the formula works every time, regardless of the date on the calender. 1700's or 2011's!

This current movement also seeks to subvert, but paradoxically strengthen both Illuminati controlled political parties. On the one hand the public, through the manipulation and bias of the state controlled press, is made to believe that this is an authentic movement. It is further made to believe that this movement could spell doom for both parties and therefore subvert both of them. Yet, paradoxically they in the end will strengthen one or both of the parties.

First off, the movement is already showing signs that unions, progressives, and other liberal leaning groups are carefully directing it towards supporting the liberal base of the democrats. This was one aim of the elites. Control the disgruntled cattle by artificially creating and fomenting a movement at the very heart of their wealth. The banks and wall street. But by having them beat a true movement to the punch, they are in effect self-inoculating themselves by having potential authentic leaders left out in the cold, or in the end joining one of their carefully controlled movements.

The analogy I can think of that would best describe this tactic is like that of taking a flu shot. The doctor injects you with a weakened virus, in order so that one's system becomes strengthened for when it does potentially become infected with a much stronger form of that virus, your body won't suffer as much.

This is what the Illuminati have done. About 2 weeks before the 'occupy wall street' protest began, you had Mayor Bloomberg of New York mentioning in a radio interview, that he expected European like protest to be appearing here in the U.S. Two weeks later, they appeared almost as if on cue.

The constant telegraphing of the Illuminati and their surrogates are constantly doing this through all forms of the press. They are constantly indicating to the masses what their next plans are.

They figured they would create these false movements, somewhat like a weakened virus that is injected into your body, in order to strengthen the system for when the real viruses appear.

Another way in which these movements are helping the Illuminati political parties, is that they also appeal to the right wing spectrum.

The Tea Partiers if you will. The disgruntled and discontented, now believe they have a method or means to shout and demonstrate against all those fat cat bankers. Here too, it appears to help the GOP candidates in one way or another by having the current GOP candidates use these movements as another example of peoples discontent in their debates or stump speeches. The Illuminati also planned on commandeering the Tea Party through their media darling surrogate and bloodline relative, Sara Palin.

So you see, this occupy wall street farce does so many things for so many people, but in the end it is not an authentic movement.

It aids the left, the right and in the end, the Illuminati. For they knew that if they could self inoculate themselves against any real movement, then the people would have no other real choice than to join the very carefully controlled and manipulated movement they had started.
Let us continue to pray to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that we may have eyes to see, and ears to hear the Truth in a world that is being overrun by satan and his minions. Amen.


  1. There comes a point where even the main stream media cannot ignore something. They where indeed ignoring it for a long time, people would get really suspicious after a certain point. You don't have enough evidence here to make such bold statements about this being an "illuminati ploy".

  2. I also have aversions to your theory. I thought that the occupy wallstreet movements were in fact people being awakened to the injustices and actually realizing how unfair common practices have become. What evidence do you have that supports your theory? Although I slightly disagree, i still find it interesting.

  3. Occupy Atlanta Silences Civil Rights Hero John Lewis

    This whole method of call & response was to ENSURE that no leader rose up and galvanized the nation. In addition to silencing powerful speakers, and not providing ANYTHING the media could use as a soundbite for television, they also used the illuminati triangle sign ( to give people the 'right' to speak at assembly which stopped anyone who knows what is really going on from actually speaking and making the mark/sign of the beast. In the time it took to 'decide' if this guy was worthy of speaking...he could have spoken.

    It was very tightly controlled and very effective at taking the people's justified anger and cries for change and dissipating it as with a pacifier, so that nothing was really done. It was manipulation at it's finest.


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