Saturday, October 29, 2011


Russia's Black Sea fleet.

It is interesting to note how so much of prophecy, particularly in the prophecies of Nostradamus, make reference to the destruction of Italy, specifically Rome, by Russian and Muslim forces.
Not only in Nostradamus' quatrains do we see reference to this, but also in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 9-12, when he refers to the prince of Jerusalem.
It appears that Russia will very easily defeat the Italian navy, leaving themselves set up geographically speaking in a very key position to further increase their strength from the Black Sea throughout the Mediterranean. Not only is Italy's sealed fate spoken/referenced in these sources, but also in the prophecies of St. Malachi as well as the Virgin Mary's messages of Fatima, Lourdes and La Sallete.
I believe the current Pope will see this onset of the world war, but it will be the Black Pope who will attempt to escape the Vatican, just as Nostradamus, St. Malachi, and the Prophet Ezekiel reference, and will be captured by joint Russian and Muslim forces.

Century 10, Quatrain 65
"O vast Rome, your ruin approaches,
Not of your walls, of your lifeblood and substance:
The one harsh of letters will make a so horrible a notch,
Pointed steel driven all the way up to the hilt."

CenturyV Quatrain 26
Russian troop shall advance over high mountains.
La gent esclave par un heur martiel
Viendra en haut degre tant esleve
Changeront prince, naistra un provincial
Passer la mer, copie aux monts leve

NOTE: Gent: (latin = gens) race, population; esclave: ancient Russian; heur: good fortune; martiel: martial, military; haut: high; degre: degree; tant: so, so much; escleve: elevated; changeront (changer): to chage; naistra (naistre): to be born; mer: sea; copie: (latin = copia) army, troop; levee: raised, high; mont: mountain.

The Russians through military good fortune
Shall be elevated to a high degree
Shall change their prince, one born in a province
Shall pass sea, troop shall climb over high mountains

COMMENT: Russia's leadership shall belong to Putin who shall appeal to the common population. Russian troops shall attack Western Europe or more specifically Italy via two routes: from the south near the Black Sea and from the north by crossing the Alps. IV.82 Through Russian hands, the old Destroyer shall destroy Romanie.

Amas s'approche venant d'Esclavonie
L'Olestant vieux cite ruinera
Fort desolee vera sa Romainie
Puis la grand flamme estaindre ne scaura

NOTE: Amas: mass, accumulation; venant: coming; Esclavonie: Russia; Olestant: (Greek) destroyer, Abbadon mentioned in the Book of Revelation; vieux: old; ruiner: to ruin; cite: city, Vatican City; fort: hard, violently; desolee: desolate; puis: then, afterwards; estaindre (eteindre): to quench; saura (savoir): to know how, to manage.

The mass shall approach coming from Russia
The ancient Destroyer shall ruin the city
Violently desolated Romanie shall see
Afterwards the great flame of war shall not be quenched

COMMENT: NATO has already started WW III, but the world is still blind to this. According to all prophecy, Russia will advance in Europe by invading its Western neighboring countries who shall recently join NATO. The war shall spread and cannot be contained.

X.32 Russian navy shall dominate only for two short years.
Le grand Empire chacun en devoit etre
Un sur les autres le viendra obtenir
Mais peu de temps sera son regne et etre
Deux ans aux naves se pourra soustenir

NOTE: Chacun: each, each one; devoit (devoir): to owe, have to, to be bound to; autre: other; obtenir: to gain, to secure; mais: but; peu: little, little time; etre: existence; naves: (latin = navis) vessel, boat; pourra (pourrir): to get rotten, decay; soustenir: to maintain, sustain.

In the great Empire with everyone's existence hung in desperation
One over the others shall secure it
But little time shall last for his reign and existence
Two years the navy shall be rotten due to poor maintenance

COMMENT: Russia shall be in the state of desperation nationwide. Each person shall have to survive on his own without relying on his government (Verse 2). Russia's power and her very existence shall be threatened due to the European offences and later by the bloody hands of the neighboring China. Their navy shall dominate the war for the first two years then shall collapse due to the lack of spare parts and resources.

VI. Both northern and southern Europe shall be attacked.

Norvege et Dace et l'isle Britannique
Par les unis freres seront vexees
Le chef Romain issu du sang Gallique
Et les copis aux forest repoulsees

NOTE: Norvege: Norway; Dace: Denmark; freres: brothers; Gallique: French; copie: troops; repoulsee: repulsed.

Norway and Denmark and British island
Through the united brothers shall be vexed
The Roman ( Italian) chief issued from French blood
And his troops shall be repulsed into the forests

COMMENT: The northern front of Europe including Norway, Denmark and Britain shall be attacked by Russia naval forces. In the south, Italy and Muslims shall push north starting on French soil.

Russian Black Sea fleet ship to take part in joint naval drills with Italy
RIA Novosti. Gennadiy Dianov01:
39 30/10/2011MOSCOW, October 30 (RIA Novosti)

The Smetlivy anti-submarine ship of Russia's Black Sea Fleet will leave its home port of Sevastopol later on Sunday and head to the Mediterranean Sea to prepare for the Ioniex 2011 Russian-Italian naval exercise, a Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said.

The drill will take place in early November, he said.

The Ioniex exercise is held every two years as part of the cooperation program between the Russian and Italian navies.

The Smetlivy, a Kashin class guided missile destroyer, was built in the 1960s and modernized in the mid-1990s. The ship is equipped with (SS-N-25 Switchblade, Harpoonski) short-range surface-to-surface cruise missiles and MNK-300 sonar.

Russia’s rescue ship Epron will also be involved in the drill, the spokesman added.

In 2010, the Ladny frigate and Shakhtyor rescue tug of the Black Sea Fleet participated in the Ioniex exercise.

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