Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Omens From The Past Are Visiting Us Today!!!

The Rise and Fall of Empires:
The Ominous Warnings That They Received.

If one were to look at the past 10 years and truly take time to read the tea leaves or the astros, one, if wise, would be able to piece together a most ominous, yet prophetic puzzle.
In my readings of the past historical accounts of the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs, there are several accounts of very old records that were kept by some of the Spanish friars that when translated point to how the Aztecs too were warned ominously by many signs that surrounded them. The records seem to indicate that these signs seemed to have become most noticeable during a 10 year period just previous to the arrival of their new conquerors...Los Espanoles.
It was even reported that the Emperor Montezuma had several nightmarish visions of the conquest and destruction of his most beloved city and people.
Over the past 10 years, North America too has been plagued by all sorts of ominous signs and warnings. I have included the Aztec signs, and compared them to the prophetic events of the past 10 years for today's American society.
In the Bible, Jesus too alludes to these events as he too describes the strange signs in the heavens before His arrival.
We are living in most perilous times, but the vast global masses seem to be either ignorant by choice or through no choice of these events and signs.
The coming conqueror of North America this time will not be the Spanish as was the case with the Aztecs, but rather the descendants of Genghis Khan, the Asian hordes and their million man army that will swarm in like ants all over this continent.
All of the signs have been given, or allowed to occur, but have mostly gone unnoticed and most definitely unheeded. It is almost reminiscent of how people misinterpreted the ominous signs of the receding ocean water on the beaches of Indonesia, and innocently walked out in the middle of the bare ocean floor to view the particularity of the event with no idea or notion of the coming Tsunami wave that killed over 250,000!
The same is happening today. Are you prepared for this coming Tsunami that will be the Asian hordes???
Keep your eye on the Korean conflict, for this will be the spark that sets the U.S. and China on a collision course. As the sun set on the Aztec empire, so too is it doing so on the American empire.

The Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire was one of the most important campaigns in the Spanish colonization of the Americas. The invasion began in February 1519 and was achieved on August 13, 1521 by conquistadors led by Hernán Cortés.
Aztec Omens for Spanish Conquest
Many accounts from the conquest of the Aztec empire are predominantly Spanish. Most primary sources of the conquest come from Hernan Cortes’ letters to King Charles V and Bernal Diaz’s written work, True History of the Conquest of Mexico. The primary sources from the people affected as a result of the conquest are seldom observed. Indigenous accounts, however, were documented as early as 1528. Written in the native tongue of Nahuatl, the Sahugan natives of the Aztec empire described eight bad omens that were believed to have occurred 10 years prior to the arrival of the Spanish from the Gulf of Mexico. The eight omens included:

1.a strange appearance in the eastern sky.(see all fireball videos over N.America over past 3 years. Even last night over Atlanta!)
2.fire consuming the temple of Huitzilopochtli(the events of 911 compare with this event)
3.a lightning bolt destroying the straw temple of Xiuhtecuhtli.(same as above, plus perhaps some future false flag event)
4.the appearance of streaking fire across the sky (more mysterious and ominous signs from the sky)
5.the “boiling,” and later flooding, of a lake nearby Tenochtitlan,(many historical floods in N.America over past 10 yrs.)
6.a woman weeping in the middle of night
7.the capturing of an unknown creature with a fishing net,(see Montauk Monster video of strange creatues being seen as well as the strange chupacabra videos!)
8.and the sightings of strange monsters having two heads and only one body throughout the city.
The emperor Montezuma was said to have consulted fortunetellers to determine the causes of these omens; but they were unable to provide an exact explanation until after the arrival of the Spaniards

(latest fireball omen over Atlanta)

(strange fireballs throughout North America over the past 3 years!)

(strange unknown creatures washing up on shorelines over the past 3 years!)

(strike at the heart and center of capitalism)

(flooding wipes out major U.S. city)
(strange creature, some call it the chupacabra)

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