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12/21/2010 Event This Week?!---Judgement Approaches!

The Red Moon of War!
The Red Moon of Blood!
The Red Moon of Judgement!

This coming week promises to be one where many events, tensions and possible judgements could occur and begin! The following site refers to the lunar eclipse that will occur on the 21st of December 2010, on the very same date as the winter solstice.

The last time this event occurred was in 1554 by some source and in the 1600's by others. There are several sources that say 1500's and some that date it back to the early 1600's, either way, it occurred at a time of conquest by the European powers in the land of the Americas.[On the front page of the Drudge Report it has it that the last time this occurred was 456 years ago, or 15, which is 1+5=6, an evil number, or the number 9 if turned upside down, the number of judgement!]

What made me take notice of this date was the fact that 12/21/2010, or 1+2, 2+1, and 2+0+1+0, give us 3+3+3=9, and 9 is the Biblical number for judgement.

Also, back on August 4th, of this year, I posted an article regarding the Illuminati movie for kids, "Despicable Me," that seemed to indicate an event occurring when the moon would be absent. The moon, in a way, will be absent due to the eclipse on the 21st.

Also, keep in mind that South Korea will be engaging this coming Monday and Tuesday in those live fire drills, and the North Korean military has threatened an all out nuclear response.

Either way, this week due to the rare astronomical occurrence, Geo political events, and numerological significance, will all seem to play a key and important part this coming week.

Judgement approaches the lands of plenty and affluence. While they celebrate today the repeal of "Don't ask don't tell" in the land, the same judgement that came to the land of Sodom and Gomorrah approaches today!

The Number Nine
The number nine is a most remarkable number in many respects. It is held in great reverence by all who study the occult sciences; and in mathematical science it possesses properties and powers which are found in no other number.*

* Among others may be mentioned (1) that the sum of the digits which form its multiples are themselves always a multiple of nine; e.g., 2 x 9 = 18 (and 1+8=9); 3 x 9 = 27 (and 2+7=9); 4 x 9 = 36 (and 3+6=9); 5 x 9 = 45 (and 4+5=9), etc., etc.; and so with the larger numbers: 52843 x 9 = 475587 (and 4+7+5+5+8+7=36, and 3+6=9). (2) The sum of its multiples through the nine digits = 405, or 9 times 45.

It is the last of the digits, and thus marks the end; and is significant of the conclusion of a matter.

It is akin to the number six, six being the sum of its factors (3x3=9, and 3+3=6), and is thus significant of the end of man, and the summation of all man's works. Nine is, therefore, the number of finality or judgment.

The Number of Finality or Judgment
The number of finality or judgment is committed unto Jesus as "the Son of man" (John 5:27; Acts 17:31). It marks the completeness, the end and issue of all things as to man—the judgment of man and all his works.

It is a factor of 666, which is 9 times 74.

The gematria of the word "Dan," which means a judge, is 54 (9x6). [side note-I have also posted on this blog several months ago a posting that referred to the connection between the descendants of the Tribe of Dan and the current Illuminati nations. The fact that the descendents of the Tribe of Dan, the Illuminati nations/peoples, will begin this third world war when they attack the smaller nations of N. Korea/Iran, and will then release in a way this judgement upon the land and their own heads, for Dan means judge. Also keep in mind that in Nostradamus' Quatrains and St. Malachi's papal prophecies, they both wrote about this coming time in the world when they would be judged by the terrible judge.]

"th orgh mou" (tee orgee mou), my wrath, = 999 (Hebrews 3:11).

The solemn amhn (ameen), amen, or "verily," of our Lord, amounts also to 99, summing up and ending His words.

The sum of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet is 4995 (5x999). It is stamped, therefore, with the numbers of grace and finality.

The Judgments
The judgments of God in Haggai 1:11* are enumerated in nine particulars:

"And I called for a drought upon the land,
and upon the mountains,
and upon the corn,
and upon the new wine,
and upon the oil,
and upon that which the ground bringeth forth,
and upon men,
and upon cattle,
and upon all the labour of the hands."

* Note in this verse an illustration of two figures of language — Zeugma and Polysyndeton.

There are nine words used from the root dikh, right or judgment:—

1.dikh (dikee), right, right proceeding, judgment (Acts 25:15, 28:4; 2Thessalonians 1:9; Jude 7).

2.dikaioV (dikaios), right, just as it should be.

3.dikaiow (dikaioo), to make dikaioV (No. 2), to account righteous.

4.dikaiosunh (dikaiosunee), the state, or quality, or condition of him who is dikaioV (dikaios).

5.dikaiwV (dikaios), justly, rightly.

6.dikaiwma (dikaioma), a righteous act or requirement.*

7.dikaiwsiV (dikaiosis), is the action of the judge in promulgating a decree, in declaring or recognizing a person as dikaioV (Romans 4:25, 5:18).

* It is important to distinguish the 10 occurrences of this word, which is variously translated, but which should be thus rendered:—

Luke 1:6, righteous ordinance.
Romans 1:32, the righteous sentence of God.
Romans 2:26, the righteous requirement of the Law.
Romans 5:16, righteous acquittal.
Romans 5:18, righteous act.
Romans 8:4, righteous requirement.
Hebrews 9:1,10, righteous ordinances.
Revelation 15:4, righteous sentence.
Revelation 19:8, righteous awards given.

The difference between dikaiwma (dikaioma) and dikaiosunh (dikaiosunee) points us to the fact that the latter word relates either to the quality, attribute, or condition of those acceptable before God, or to God's own relative attribute of righteousness; while the former word shows that the righteous requirement of the Law is fulfilled by those who are not under the Law, either for condemnation or a rule of life, but who are, as the apostle was, ennomoV Cristou (ennomos Christou), i.e., under obedience to Christ's commands (see discussion on the number one, and 1Corinthians 9:20, Revised Version , where the Apostle distinctly says he was not upo nomon (hupo nomon), i.e., under law-principle, the word law not having the article). The Law condemned every one under it. But Christians who realize (subjectively) that they died with Christ and live as those alive from the dead, walking in the Spirit and in the power of Christ, carry out practically (though with many failures, doubtless) the righteous requirement of the Law.

8.dikasthV (dikastees) is the judge (Luke 12:14; Acts 7:27,35).

9.dikaiokrisia (dikaiokrisia) is the righteous judgment of the judge (Romans 2:5).

Occurrences of Words
The following words, among others, occur 9 times, and are all connected in some way with judgment:—

abussoV (abussos), bottomless pit, or deep.

asebhV (asebees), ungodly.

aselgeia (aselgeia), lasciviousness.

astraph (astrapee), lightning.

All calling for, or connected with judgment.

Enough has been said to show that the signification of the number nine is judgment, especially divine judgment, and the conclusion of the whole matter so far as man is concerned.

But nine is the square of three, and three is the number of Divine perfection, as well as the number peculiar to the Holy Spirit. It is not surprising, therefore, to find that this number denotes finality in divine things.

"Fruit (not fruits) of the Spirit" comprises nine (32) graces: (1) love, (2) joy, (3) peace, (4) longsuffering, (5) gentleness, (6) goodness, (7) faith, (8) meekness, (9) temperance,* while

* It will be noticed that in this fruit of the Spirit "temperance" is put last; while in the "works of the flesh" (vv 19-21), which are sixteen in number (42, the earth number), "drunkenness and revellings" are put last! Truly man's ways are not God's ways, nor God's thoughts man's thoughts (Isaiah 55:8).

The Gifts of the Spirit
The gifts of the spirit in 1Corinthians 12:8-10 are also nine in number, viz:—

1.The word of wisdom
2.The word of knowledge
5.The working of miracles
7.Discerning of spirits
8.Divers kinds of tongues
9.The interpretation of tongues
Additional Miscellaneous Illustrations
Nine persons "stoned."

1.The blasphemer, Leviticus 24:14.
2.The Sabbath-breaker, Numbers 15:36.
3.Achan, Joshua 7:25.
4.Abimelech, Judges 9:53.
5.Adoram, 1 Kings 12:18.
6.Naboth, 1 Kings 21:10.
7.Zechariah, 2Chronicles 24:21.
8.Stephen, Acts 7.
9.Paul, Acts 14:19.
Nine widows are specially mentioned:—

1.Tamar, Genesis 38:19.
2.Woman of Tekoah, 2Samuel 14:5.
3.Hiram's mother, 1 Kings 7:14.
4.Zeruah, 1 Kings 11:26.
5.Woman of Zarephath, 1 Kings 17:9.
6.The poor widow, Mark 12:42.
7.Anna, Luke 2:37.
8.Widow of Nain, Luke 7:12.
9.The importunate widow, Luke 18:3.
Nine persons afflicted with blindness:—

•The men at Lot's door, Genesis 19:11.
•Isaac, Genesis 27:1.
•Jacob, Genesis 48:10.
•Samson, Judges 16:21.
•Eli, 1Samuel 4:15.
•The prophet Ahijah, 1 Kings 14:4.
•The Syrian army, 2 Kings 6:18.
•King Zedekiah, 2 Kings 25:7.
Elymas, Acts 13:11.
Nine were afflicted with leprosy:—

1.Moses, Exodus 4:6.
2.Miriam, Numbers 12:10.
3.Naaman, 2 Kings 5:1.
4.Gehazi, 2 Kings 5:27.
5.5 through 8: The four lepers at Samaria, 2 Kings 7:3.
6.Azariah, 2 Kings 15:5.


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