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U.K Threatens China.

They say that pride always comes before the fall. The fact that the Dutch/Anglo/American power base that has ruled the world for the past several centuries is crumbling right before our very eyes seems to be clear to everyone but the leaders of these Illuminati controlled countries.
Their banking systems, their economies, their militaries, the morality of their peoples, all seem to be on the fast path of decay and towards one of ultimate demise.
They say that the ultimate demise of a civilization is always preceded by its moral demise and this seems to be the case in these once powerful nations.
Today we are all being witnesses to the rise of China and those countries that seem to have been asleep for centuries, but are now becoming awake. These are all former powerful and ancient civilizations that have a whole lot more history than the American empire.
The ancient civilization of China, with over 2,000 years of history combined with the ancient Persian Empire (Iran) and the land of the people of the North Wind (Russians) all seem to have the West in their sights, and it is no wonder that the west, through their pride, are blind to these very fast developing events.
The west thinks and believes that which they have practiced for hundreds of years can continue to yield fruits. But threatening the country with the world's largest army will get them only bitter fruits.

UK threatens China with isolation over Iran
Fri, 12 Mar 2010 18:58:48 GMT

The UK's ambassador to Beijing has warned that China could face isolation internationally, should it fail to give its consent to fresh sanctions against Iran. “It's not in China's interests to find itself isolated from permanent members of the Security Council or the E3+3. It would damage China internationally,” Sebastian Wood said on Friday. Wood said that China favored a different approach to the Iranian nuclear issue but he hoped that “fluid” talks would persuade Beijing to accompany others in imposing more sanctions against Iran. “China has emphasized a need for engagement and diplomacy and wants to see the situation resolved soon. We have seen tactical differences in recent weeks but it's a fluid discussion,” he added. The US has been lobbying for fresh punitive measures against Iran, which is already under three rounds of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions over its enrichment program. French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said on Thursday that the UNSC was drafting new sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program and he expressed hope that world powers would agree on fresh sanctions against Iran soon. US-led calls for more sanctions against Iran have mainly received a chilly response from China, a veto-wielding member of the UNSC, which insists that diplomacy should be exercised regarding the nuclear standoff. British Foreign Secretary David Miliband will travel to China on Sunday to hold talks with Chinese officials on different issues including Iran's nuclear program. Iran says any punitive measures against the country are legally baseless as Tehran's nuclear work is being fully monitored by the UN nuclear watchdog.


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