Sunday, March 7, 2010

Building Up Our Enemies...Again.

"We promised the Europeans freedom. It would be worse than dishonorable not to see they have it. This might mean war with the Russians, but what of it? They have no Air Force anymore, their gasoline and ammunition supplies are low. I've seen their miserable supply trains; mostly wagons draw by beaten up old horses or oxen. I'll say this; the Third Army alone with very little help and with damned few casualties, could lick what is left of the Russians in six weeks. You mark my words. Don't ever forget them. Someday we will have to fight them and it will take six years and cost us six million lives." George S. Patton

George S. Patton said the previous right after the end of World War II. He knew and had been around enough of the world's political elites to understand how and why these members of these secret organizations worked. He knew back then that Russia could have been taken fairly easily, just as MacArthur in the Pacific, also knew this. But both were stopped by ruling politicians of their times that served the interests of these societies instead of their countries.

Anthony Sutton too knew about these groups and how these groups had actually funded the Hitler war machine during the 1930s with the help of Prescot Bush, great grandfather to George W Bush.

What does all mean?? It simply means that these societies have always been the cause and build up of their future enemies, in order to ensure an enemy for not only political purposes, but for economic ones as well. Wars mean money. They mean population control. They mean blind patriotic and nationalistic fury aimed at another state. They mean control and these secret groups or societies have always been the puppet masters when it comes to building up of their enemies and then declaring war on them.

Patton knew this. MacArthur knew this. Anthony Sutton knew this, and today it was reported in the NY Times of further proof that the U.S. is at it once again and most assuredly has been doing this for some time regarding Iran.

Just as they helped Hitler build up his war machine, think about how much Iran has done in such relatively little time since 2003.

The Illuminati are at it again and this time their targets will be all creations of their doing...Russia, China and Iran. They built up each and every one of these powers.

Antony Sutton, was the author of 26 books, many of which can be purchased on-line at Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Liberty House Press at 1-800-343-6180has copies of America's Secret Establishment and Best Enemy Money Can Buyfor sale.
The following interview with Mr. Sutton is dated July 6, 1999
Antony C. Sutton, 74, has been persecuted but never prosecuted for his research and subsequent publishing of his findings. His mainstream career was shattered by his devotion toward uncovering the truth. In 1968, his Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by The HooverInstitute at Stanford University. Sutton showed how the Soviet state'stechnological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying theNorth Vietnamese the armaments and supplies to kill and wound Americansoldiers, was built by US firms and mostly paid for by the US taxpayers. Fromtheir largest steel and iron plant, to automobile manufacturing equipment, toprecision ball-bearings and computers, basically the majority of the Soviet'slarge industrial enterprises had been built with the United States help ortechnical assistance.
Professor Richard Pipes, of Harvard, said in his book, Survival Is NotEnough: Soviet Realities and America's Future (Simon & Schuster;1984):"In his three-volume detailed account of Soviet Purchases of WesternEquipment and Technology... [Antony] Sutton comes to conclusions that areuncomfortable for many businessmen and economists. For this reason his worktends to be either dismissed out of hand as 'extreme' or, more often, simplyignored."
The report was too much and Sutton's career as a well-paid member of theacademic establishment was under attack and he was told that he "would notsurvive."
His work led him to more questions than answers. "Why had the US built-upit's enemy? Why did the US build-up the Soviet Union, while we alsotransferred technology to Hitler's Germany? Why does Washington want toconceal these facts?"
Sutton, following his leads, proceeded to research and write his threeoutstanding books on Wall Street: and FDR; and the Rise of Hitler; and TheBolshevik Revolution. Then, someone sent Antony a membership list of Skulland Bones and - - "a picture jumped out." And what a picture! Amultigenerational foreign-based secret society with fingers in all kinds ofpies and roots going back to 'Illuminati' influences in 1830's Germany.
For the full story, check-out Sutton's book America's Secret Establishment,in print for 14 years and available from Liberty House Press, 1-800-343-6180.

'US indirectly supports trade with Iran' By JPOST.COM STAFF 07/03/2010 09:55
NY Times: Federal contract payments, grants, benefits amount to $107 billion.

The White House indirectly paid $107 billion to companies defying its sanctions against Iran, the New York Times reported Sunday.According to the report, records show that the US made contract payments and gave grants and other benefits over the past decade to foreign and multinational American companies that were doing business in the Islamic republic.The deals are reportedly continue during the current administration, but already began under the previous administration of George W. Bush. The Times says that some of the companies are embedded in critical aspects of the Iranian economy.The paper further reports that some of the companies are involved in Iran’s gas and oil sectors, as well as the auto industry and economic fields with close ties to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.One of the companies, the Times reports, supplied ship motors to IRISL, the government-owned shipping company which was specifically blacklisted by the US.
The vessel Francop, which was seized last year by the IDF Navy and contained a massive amount of munition intended to reach Hizbullah, carried containers marked with the IRISL logo.The New York Times also says that of 74 companies identified as doing business with Iran, 49 have no intention of ceasing in the near future.

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