Wednesday, May 2, 2012



1Why do the nations protest and the peoples conspire in vain?

2Kings on earth rise up and princes plot together
against the LORD and against his anointed one:

3“Let us break their shackles and cast off their chains from us!”

4The one enthroned in heaven laughs;the Lord derides them,

5Then he speaks to them in his anger,in his wrath he terrifies them:

6“I myself have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.”

7I will proclaim the decree of the LORD,he said to me, “You are my son;

today I have begotten you.

8Ask it of me,and I will give you the nations as your inheritance,

and, as your possession, the ends of the earth.

9With an iron rod you will shepherd them,like a potter’s vessel you will shatter them.”

10And now, kings, give heed;take warning, judges on earth.

11Serve the LORD with fear;exult with trembling,Accept correction lest he become angry and you perish along the way

when his anger suddenly blazes up.


Thank you Paulina for your thoughtful and supportive comment on the last posting. I do what I can to get the Lord's warnings and His messages of hope as well.

I came across this Coldplay song the other day: 'It's Us Against the World.'

Sometimes this is the lonely feeling one gets when one is doing the Will of God. It is a lonely road often times, and throughout history this has almost always been the case with those who are called by the Lord for special missions. The life of the Old Testament Patriarchs, The Old Testament Prophets, The saints throughout history, Mary the Mother of our Lord. They all endured very challenging obstacles. Everything from contempt, ridicule, persecution, poverty on different levels, and loneliness. But our Lord has always told us to take the rough and narrow path, not the wide, easy and all encompassing path of subjective relativistic truths, such as has always been the case with those who prefer to follow their own selfish whims.

I enjoyed the above song for the theme, because this is how true Christians throughout the world today feel.

They feel neglected, abandoned, confused, ridiculed, scorned, and lonely. But this is the secret to it all. That only means you are on the right path, for this means you have not accepted and compromised the Absolute Truth that is our Lord Himself.

For if you are a Christian today and feel at ease with the world, and your place in the world, then clearly you must ask yourself if you are on the path as described by our Lord, or on the all encompassing road to perdition.

For many followers of mega Christian churches today, like Joel Osteen's, and Rick Warren's, these are two very clearly marked wolves in sheep's clothing leading many many souls astray. These are just two of the more popularly known, but today there are many like this and sad to say this but many in the Catholic and Protestant Churches as well. Churches that should know better.

For they say that if you live in a cess pool long enough, you will over time become immune and used to the repugnant smell that your surroundings deliver.

Today is no different. The cess pools that are what people consider popular culture and entertainment condition the people to become immune to the awful and immoral stench that affects, not so much their physical and temporal senses, but more so their spiritual senses.

This is why prayer is so important. Whether it's prayer for you and your family, or prayer for your neighbors, whether known or not.

Jesus said, 'Of what good is it to love those that are easy to love. The challenge is to love those that are your enemies.'

Last year I finished a fourth manuscript and have had it rejected by many traditional Catholic publishing companies. I know that the Illuminati have filters in many of these publishing companies. Perhaps not all, but the most important and most visible ones.

The unpublished manuscript is titles 'The Lord's Lampposts,' and I began writing this manuscript back in 2009 and finished it last summer. The first 3 books I self published but with very little luck in getting the message out. This is why I had hoped to have this fourth manuscript published through a traditonal publishing company but am having no luck on this front as well. Hence I need your prayers.

Along with my other three books, this would be my fourth. I ask for your prayers to hopefully get this book published to further the message to the world. A message that gives light in a world that is already dark, but about to be plunged fully into darkness through this coming world war.

Thank you and God bless you all.

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