This evening's South Carolina voting results demonstrated a few very interesting points of insight.
First off, it showed how the Illuminati's puppet, Romney, can spend over 1 million dollars (actually about 1.8 million) and still lose to a candidate that didn't even break the 200k mark in media ads. This further demonstrates how the people, not only of South Carolina, but the rest of the world, are beginning to awaken and in doing so are beginning to realize just how the Illuminati elites have been controlling who and what they vote for, for so many decades.
The masses are realizing that regardless of how much money the Illuminati spend on backing a candidate (puppet), it is ultimately up to them to use their human reasoning and logic, enlightened by God's good graces, to finally realize how the Illuminati powers that are and have been pulling the wool over their eyes for so long.
Secondly, it demonstrates the Illuminati's poor choice of candidate...Romney. Romney reminds me of a used car salesman. A salesman that is keen on selling you that lemon of a car, and will say any/everything to get the sale. This was the Illuminati's big mistake. The candidate has the sincerity and genuiness of an automoton...a robot that is programmed to spit out everything that is given to him by the higher ups above him.
The Illuminati also realize that both Gingrich and Ron Paul are striking a deep and profound chord within the American public. These two men speak about topics straight from their gut and are not worried about which Illuminati toes they step on.
Tonight, during Ron Paul's speech, his fans starting chanting,"End the Fed, End the Fed!" For a moment, I thought CNN was going to go to an emergency commercial. Gingrich, in his speech, alluded to the most recent foreign policy developments in the middle east dealing with Iran, China and other topics that the Illuminati controlled media has been blacking out for months!
Both men are clearly appealing to a deeper need. It is not so much a political one, as I believe it is a spiritual one. This is where the Illuminati/Kabalistic/Mormon candidate falls flat and the Illuminati are beginning to realize this, and hence their level of anxiety is beginning to rise.
Also, Gingrich is a Catholic, and we all know what the Illuminati did to the last, and only Catholic president the U.S. every had...JFK.
The Illuminati will never accept Ron Paul and Gingrich, but at the same time, their candidate is beginning to demonstrate major flaws, and as the primaries continue, Romney's elitist background and offshore bank accounts will demonstrate to people just where his allegiances lie.
One thing the Illuminati media, regardless of whether its radio or TV, will continue to tout and promote is this notion that Romney is the candidate that can best defeat Obama.
As I have mentioned before on another post; this is merely keeping the Ralph and Sam dichotomy in people's minds that these are the only two candidates that can and should go against one another.
Hence the reason why both the Romney and Obama people have and are constantly trading these false jabs at one another. In a sense, the Illuminati puppets believe that if they begin attacking one another, then the masses will gradually follow their train of thought. That the inevitable showdown is and will be Romney/Obama. This is how they plant that seed. Like in the Illuminati conditioning movie of Inception. This is why the media, especially CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS, are constantly covering and protecting the Romney campaign, and constantly ignoring or attacking the Ron Paul and Gingrich campaigns.
I still believe that Ron Paul will be the candidate, but only due to the fact that Israel will probably strike Iran in the next few weeks. This will throw a major wrench into these primary races, and Ron Paul, being the only anti war candidate, I believe, will be seen as the best option for going forward. Only time will tell.
Take care and God bless.
You may be right about Romney. I have not done enough research on him but he clearly stands for issues that are completely non Mormon, so I hope he gets out of the race soon so that he does not give the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints a bad name by his bad example. He is pro abortion and a greedy businessman is seems. As a practicing member of that church I know the standards that we are expected to live by and the majority of members do. It seems that Romney may not be one of them.