Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Today as I read one of the headlines on Yahoo's main page, it stated something to the effect of, "Was what Trader said a Hoax?" The main outlets of corporate news media were so shocked and stunned that anyone speaking the black and whiteness of truth regarding the Illuminati's one world satanic government and plans on a network like the BBC must be a hoax...or at leas that's what they would like people to believe.
The truth though, is that alternative news outlets, or underground outlets if you will, have for years been reporting on these plans, but people had it so good, and were living in such affluence that they dare not believe the one world government 'cooks' that spoke of such things. Life was good with a six pack of beers in the fridge, steak on the table, and entertainment on the TV.
But as things continue to turn and turn for the worst, people are abandoning the main stream news media outlets that have come to be known for what they truly are...a mouthpiece for the new world order of the Luciferians.
Over the past few days, many short sighted so called experts have been writing and stating about the popping of the gold/silver and other commodities markets. Many have been giving their reasoning in print and on other media as to why one should get out of the commodities markets.
The current retraction of gold/silver and other commodities can be compared to something that happens in the natural world when an earthquake occurs near a coastline and a Tsunami is racing towards the shoreline.
The ocean begins to retract and appears to disappear, but it is only temporary before the great waves appear on shore.
The fact that the markets have all kept going up globally in the past few days should be a signal that the trap is being set, in order to lure, entice and trap as many near sighted fools into it before it goes under the waves as planned by the NWO elites.
If gold was really selling off as the mainstream financial programs purport it is, then why is that that every central bank in the world is and has been buying tonnes of it to the point that some even need more vault space!
If gold were really in a bubble, this would suggest that the masses en mass would own and be heavily invested in it, when not even 1% of them are!
The lie is papered over with clever, complex and efficient sounding arguments, but there is a reason why someone came up with the phrase, 'The devil is in the details!' Because more often than not, especially today, the masses are herded in this form and with these types of false arguments that appeal to their pride and greed.
Revelation is a time of Truth and the fact that truth throughout will begin revealing itself. There has never been a time such as today when so much falsehood is being promoted, yet so much truth is being revealed. The paradox is clear.
Continue to pray for the forgiveness of sins, the conversion of sinners and for the mercy of God during this time of great Chastisement that approaches the lands of satan.

Trader Says Central Bankers Want Depression
September 26, 2011

The central banker agenda is to cause a Depression and use the turmoil to consolidate their one-world tyranny.
by Henry Makow Ph.D. "

"Governments do not rule the world. Goldman Sachs rules the world," independent trader Alessio Rastani, 34, told the BBC Monday morning.

He says GS and the big hedge funds know the "market is toast" and are moving their assets to "safe havens" like US Treasuries.

The clear implication is that the central bankers are precipitating a Depression, using sovereign debt (created by book entry and owed mostly to them) as an excuse to enact political change. They plan to use a Depression to consolidate their one-world tyranny.

Rastani's message is that individuals can protect themselves in the same way as Goldman Sachs by shorting the market.

"In less than 12 months. I predict the savings of millions will be wiped out, and that's just the beginning...We forget that a lot of people made money as a result of the Great Depression."

We could dismiss this warning as a trader trying to profit from his short positions. We could dismiss him as an opportunist drumming up business for his advisory services

But I tend to see his message as prescient and sobering.

The markets surged higher Monday on talk of Tim Geithner's multi-trillion Eurobank bailout plan. But this package faces many obstacles. Germans are dead set against assuming more of the debt burden.

If Alessio is right, Geithner, a Goldman Sachs alumnus, is creating an alibi so he can say he did everything he could.

Alessio had dollar signs in his eyes. He said he had been dreaming of this opportunity for three years.

The interviewer pressed him for information on what government actions would calm the markets.

He replied that it's not his job to fix the problem or worry about the consequences for ordinary people. His job is to make money.

He's right about Goldman Sachs which is one of the eight or so Illuminati firms that own the Federal Reserve, and the world's other central banks.

The only way out of this mess is to nationalize the central banks and renounce the debt owed to them, which was created by book entries. Governments must create their own debt-free currency to inflate the world economy.

But no one is doing this because everyone in a position of influence is a creature of the central bankers.

Thus we are accomplices in our collective murder.

In Nov. 2009, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein said he was "doing god's work."

This is true if we remember, his god is Lucifer. The coming Depression is part of the long-term "revolutionary" process described in the Protocols of Zion designed to anoint Lucifer as our god, and the world as his domain.

Related - Zero Hedge Comment

Interview with Rastani in Forbes

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