Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday Reflections.

On this Good Friday, 2011, I am always reminded of how Heaven was treated here on earth. Of how Satan abused, tortured and killed the Truth, and how 2,000 years later, he continues doing the same to life, goodness, and beauty.
I am reminded of how initially a minority in Heaven, rebelled and were cast down to the earth, and how now a minority on earth rebel against the majority that are working with the forces of Hell and will be sent up to Heaven.
Today, the headlines throughout the earth remind us all, if we are wise and discerning, that those that try to do the Will of the Father are always the minority. For even Jesus said, "The harvest is great, but the workers are few."
Throughout the world we read headlines that indicate to us how the enemy has tempted so many people into serving him.
Children killing parents, parents killing children, abortion, suicides, the same sex agenda, and so on. All of these things today are red warning flags to those that try to do the Will of God here on earth.
Also, if you are wise and discerning, one will see how the earth itself, mother nature if you will, is also rebelling against the inordinate amount of sin by the strange weather that has been occurring throughout the earth. Record tornadoes, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, droughts, blizzards, and more to come!
The tempter attempted to tempt Jesus in a garden prior to His suffering, just as he had tempted eve in another garden. But Jesus, unlike Eve, rebukes him and firmly states, "Let not my will be done, but Yours (referring to God the Father)!"
Satan, the eternal tempter and seducer, is having the time of his life right now throughout the world. Just turn on your TV, open your newspaper, and you will see how many souls have turned to his lies.
But just as 3 days later, Jesus destroyed death, and Satan's laughter at His expense by gloriously resurrecting, so too today will the world be renewed and Faith in He that is be gloriously resurrected as well. But before this occurs, we must go through our Good Friday moment as well. Remember what Jesus said, "If they did this to me, and I am your master, how much more will they do it to you who are my servants and followers."
The idea of the rapture seeks to do away with this suffering, and let us recall what the tempter in the garden of Gethsemane sought to get Jesus to do....To run away and not have to go through His suffering that would bring about the greater good and salvation to all! Do not be fooled by this rapture notion.
May the good Lord bless and protect you all during this global period of trials, suffering, persecution and death.


  1. Without the struggle between good and evil, right and wrong, God and Satan, heaven and hell, truth and lies, light and darkness, etc., how else could the Creation unfold?

  2. Thank you for your comment J Adams. Here's wishing you, and all you read this little blog around the world, a very blessed, safe, and glorius Easter weekend!

  3. Thanks Elijah
    I appreciate your insight and for taking time to remember the Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ. I pray that you will have a blessed easter.

  4. Perry, as always, I very much apreciate your comments on this blog. I thank you as well for your well wishes.
    If I may ask, are you male or female? Just curious.
    May the good Lord bless, keep and protect you and your loved ones as well.
    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
