Thursday, July 22, 2010



Daniel7:6 "After this I looked, and there was another, like a leopard, which had on its back four wings of a bird. The beast also had four heads, and dominion was given to it."

"The dream came during that journey, when Obama and his half-sister were traveling by train to his family’s village in Kenya. She told him a disturbing story about their grandfather and his cruelly self-righteous behavior toward others. That night, Obama dreamed he was walking through a Kenyan village filled with playful children and pleasant old men. Suddenly everyone panicked at the sight of something behind Obama; they ran for safety as he heard the growl of a leopard. He fled in a mad dash, finally collapsing in exhaustion: “Panting for breath, I turned around to see the day turned night, and a giant figure looming as tall as the trees, wearing only a loincloth and a ghostly mask.”---Barack Obama's "Dreams From My Fathers.

The following information could mean something, or could mean nothing, but the level of coincidence that all these things have in common is quite uncanny.

The first, second and third images are all images that are taken from the new New World Order Airport in Denver. The first image of this mural that has been shown here has already been painted over and is no longer visible today.

But let me if I may describe to you the following:

If you notice the third image, it has the Freemason Capstone that was laid when this airport was built back in 1994. If you read the inscriptions on it, you will see that it is filled with Masonic messages for the people of 2094. Why 2094? That is a good question, but we won't go into those theories here. The point here is keep in mind the date, especially in reference to the following information I will now present to you.

It has been said, and very convincingly so, that Freemason's/Illuminati's have a New World Order to fulfill, regardless of what anybody thinks, says, or does, the vision has to be fulfilled, no matter the costs.

The first image at the top shows the mural image portraying a vision of happiness, celebration and exuberance. All the children, symbolising all the different nations, races and creeds, seem to be very happy and contented. Their exuberance seems to stem from the fact that above them rules over them the black and white spotted leopard.

The spotted leopard interestingly enough is black and white and is accompanied by two smaller leopards that appear to be his two small children. (In this image perhaps the image is not clear, but I have attached several site links that will enable you to see this more clearly.)

The spotted leopard here seems to represent Obama's victory and the initial joy and enthusiasm that was displayed by the world back in 2008 when he became president. The Leopard is black and white, signifying Obama's racial roots, and the fact that it is a leopard connects it to Africa. Keep in mind, these murals were painted back in the early to mid 90's. Also around this time, the Illuminati were promoting the Lion King movie to a lot of 10-12 year olds, who years later would be Obama's key voting block.

The Leopard sits a top of the image in a clear position of authority and all seems to be well throughout the world, according to the image.

The second image, the scene turns apocalyptic and the Leopard has been sacrificed and is placed on an alter of sorts. If you notice, not only is the Leopard sacrificed, but it has been placed on next to 3 other symbolic dead bodies in coffins: an African woman, a native American woman, and an Israeli girl.

It seems that the Illuminati, along with having to sacrifice the leopard, also had to sacrifice Africa, North America and Israel, in order to complete their grander plan.

The girl and the boy at the head of the alter of sacrifice both seem to have Asian features and appear to be Chinese. The girl holding the penguin box is Russian. The other girl in the background is holding a Mayan tablet that contains symbols that signify the end of the world, and the tablet is in the shape of the Russian map.

In this image you will also notice the flames that are engulfing the trees and have engulfed about half of them through fire, the other half still remain to be destroyed as well.

In the very far background, you see a city. This city too will fall victim to the flames as this third world war will be a nuclear one in nature.

It appears the Illuminati, way back in the mid 1990's have had it all planned out. The sacrifice of the leopard right as world war 3 begins, or perhaps halfway through it.

I have also included a Scripture verse from the Book of Daniel. In this verse, you here Daniel refer to the third beast as being described as a Leopard, for the last beast will the worst, meaning the one that remains in power after this coming war.

Also, Daniel refers to the Leopard as having 4 wings and 4 heads, in other words, the 44th.

The following quote I included is one from Obama's book, "Dreams From My Fathers." In this quote he describes a his dream as being a very frightening dream, one in which a leopard is heard growling.

It has been reported that certain mural images from this airport have already been painted over or destroyed as their fulfillment has come to pass. Therefore, only the murals that correlate to events not yet fulfilled are the ones that are still there for the viewing public.

I have attached the following for further references. May the good Lord bless and keep you all safe and protected, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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