Sunday, October 14, 2018




[ the video above note at the end where they mention, "17 hulks..." another reference to this number 17!!!]

Greetings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ,
I come to you this day with the following question: Will this week be the week that the illuminati unfold the next part of their insidious plans?
The reason I bring this question to you all today is because over the past few days I have been reading and viewing articles and videos that seem to point to this coming week as a major week for the Illuminati and co. (Zionists/kabalists/luciferians).
Over the past few days I have listened and viewed several videos from knowledgeable people in the realm of economics, and it seems that there is a growing consensus that this week is primed for some kind of event of sorts that will further affect the global markets.
[I have posted this video below]

Not only this, but remember the October date that I have also highlighted, in terms of Illuminati signaling, October 17th, just as 911 was also signaled years prior to the actual false flag as well.
911 was signaled years prior to the event, but the hard part was nailing down the year, just as it has been for these other dates the Illuminati have given the masses as well.
Recall that in the Simpson’s clip, from ‘To Surveil with Love,’ after the mushroom cloud scene, the train station clock that flies off and lands in Homer’s back yard, is not only shaped like the number 10, but it is also pointing to 11 and 6 on the hands.
I have stated that if you add these numbers it will give you 17, but this date also points to the mid term date.
If you noticed how when the clock lands in Homer’s yard, it wakes him up from his slumber, similar to how the majority of people today are in a spiritual haze that keeps them asleep and unaware of the spiritual dangers that surround them. This event the Illuminati have planned will also awaken many from their spiritual stupor.
Yesterday was the 101st anniversary of our Lady of Fatima’s message as most of you already well know. That’s what makes this coming week and weeks, so relevant and urgent to get the word out to others to prepare for what the powers that be have in store.
Trump and co. continue to keep the masses distracted with a literal circus in Washington, while they continue to plot the coming world war, economic and religious resets.
Last week several things happened that really made me take notice and asses just how close they must be close to unleashing their next phase of their NWO agenda. First off, Nicki Hallie, U.S. ambassador to the U.N. resigned unexpectedly and then Thursday and Friday the Dow Jones lost over 1,000 points!
Hallie’s resignation is a signal to me that, just as all the others have quit or resigned (Trump’s cabinet) in a most hasty manner, these people do not want to be anywhere near the false flags when they occur, so they are ALL beating a hasty retreat before they are unleashed!
The fact that the market is beginning to unravel is also another clear sign that what is coming is already here.
Major players in the corporate game have been signaling recently that ‘Something’ is getting ready to occur, the most recent being Jamie Dimon. They are signaling to each other to get out of the game before it’s too late!
But while the train is heading at full speed down a track that has no bridge, Trump has time to meet with Kanye West and Kid Rock. Not only this, but the Kavanaugh Circus was meant to not only distract, but divide the nation as well, just as it did with the aid of the media as well.
The so called ‘Presidential Alert’ from FEMA that came out a few days ago was also a major Red Flag, that something is getting ready to occur folks!
They are making sure every base is covered before they unleash this global war and economic reset on the ‘slumbering masses,’ that have NO IDEA what’s here already!!!
Ships, arms, planes, soldiers, have all been deployed to Ukraine, Syria, and the South China seas. Along with these global hot spots, troops and ships are also being deployed around Venezuela. The U.S. and Colombia on one side, Venezuela, Russia and China on the other.
I have been reading in the past week about  Russian and Chinese assets that are being deployed to Venezuela, just in the past few weeks.
The U.S. is trying to secure Ukraine, Syria and Venezuela for purposes of future energy fields and sources to keep the racket going, while Russia and China have other plans.

On a cool March night, back in 2005, when I began to write about Russia, China and Iran and the coming world war, I had no idea how long it would take for it to manifest itself.
When I would see these visions, through my dreams of this war, it always seemed like would, or could happen any day.
As time passed, I would sometimes begin to doubt in what the Good Lord was showing me. I would begin to think that it was all in my mind, and that none of this was real.
But just as I would begin to think this, something would happen to confirm His message to me.
In the following 14 years, since then, I have written many, many pages of what the Holy Spirit has inspired and guided me to write. Some have been visions and dreams, while other things are researched topics that only God’s Wisdom could have guided me to find and deliver to the world.
For those of you who have the ‘Forty Letters Book,’ I encourage you to read chapter 2, ‘Prophecy for America,’ because the Holy Spirit is telling me this is about to happen!
I have never stated those words on this blog, but I am stating them now because the time has come to make this statement, as I am being guided by the Holy Spirit to warn you all!
Also, in “The Final Warning” book, go over the chapter where I describe the Chinese dreams, along with the other dreams and visions I describe in that book!
My heart is heavy for what I know is about to occur to this world, but it is God’s Will to purge the world of so much of the devil’s works and influences that the Illuminati have built over the decades and centuries.
The other day I had a dream that I was selecting a Christmas tree, but it was all dark, and I couldn’t even see the trees because of this deep, pitch black darkness that was everywhere.
I took this to mean that Christmas will not be as people have come to know it, but rather it will be a very dark, time of gloom for the world.
Prayer and fasting are key my brothers and sisters. In any way you can, through any bit of personal suffering or pain, please accept it and offer it up to Our Lord for the conversion of sinners, the forgiveness of sins, and so that God almighty can have mercy on us all!
Continue to pray the most Holy Rosary, and please continue to keep me in your prayers! God bless!



Trump says Mattis 'could be' leaving as US defense chief


  1. Epistle of St Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans
    Christ is King!!!
    Ave Maria.
    Α ✟ Ω

  2. I guess the answer is: No

  3. I'm sure you've seen this
