As the false flag timeline and window of oppurtunity for the Illuminati lessens with each passing day, it would be wise to make and inventory of the following things and ponder them, and let your own logic and reasoning skills and abilities lead you all to a logical conclusion.
First of all, you have the media continuing to play the drama, through the thesis, synthesis model of the Hegelian Dialectic. The dialectic attempts to portray a major rift between the U.S. and the Israelis, in relation to the Iranian threat.
This dialectical drama that they attempt to sell to the global public, not just in the U.S. serves several purposes. First of all, it attempts to create this false notion that there is some sort of tension or conflict between the Illuminati controlled Rothchild zionist state, and the Rothchild Illuminati Babylonian state of the U.S. Both are under the same leadership and control, but the mere aspect or illusion that there is tension creates the illusion that if Israel does indeed attack, the U.S. will be an unwilling participant, whose hand will be unwillingly forced into the conflict. Nothing could be further from the truth, as Albert Pike and other high ranking Illuminati from the late 1880's and early 1900's clearly outlined the need for 3 world wars in order to usher in the New World Order, where all are one. Romney uttered this phrase last night, and it is a tell tell sign of what their puppets are always instructed to say to the conditioned masses.
This is all part of the rouse, mainly for an international audience, but it also serves another Heglian dialectical drama within the U.S. political elections. It creates another illusion that there is a great rift between Obama and Romney when it comes to supporting Israel and condemning Iran. Both Obama and Romney are part of the Illuminati cabal, and the superficial differences within this dialectical drama are all merely part of the same game. Play one side off another.
The following article continues to give credence to this false dialectical drama currently being played in the manipulated media.
Also, what is interesting, as I noted a few postings ago is the Illuminati countdown clock that is set for 9/9/12. What is interesting about the countdown is also the fact that the Democratic National Convention is next week, in other words very close to the countdown date on this clock, and according the following Google links, you will see that Hillary Clinton will be no where near the Convention! The Headlines that you will see on all the Google links describe her as, "Clinton as far as possible during DNC," "Clinton fleeing the Country next week," and so on! First of all, why would such a powerful figure not even be at her parties own convention? Secondly, why would all these headlines and articles phrase it in such a way that made it seem like she was indeed fleeing the country prior to the convention?? Let us recall that former Sectretary of State Colin Powel too was in Peru during 911, and now Clinton too will be halfway around the world in Asia next week.
Also, another thing that caught my eye was the fact that the night Obama accepts the nomination, on Sept 6, that event will be in a different stadium than the first two nights. The first two nights will be inside the Time Warner Stadium and the last night will be at the Bank of America Stadium. Another thing is that the event will be Free to the public, something the Illuminati usually don't do, for their interests in money always trumps their good will. Why the different venues??
The timeline for their false flag is quickly closing in on the Illuminati, and they know it. Perhaps past false flag attempts have been put off by them becuase so many people out there in the world recognize their methods and formulas for false flags, and post them on multiple sites way before they can ever actually implement them. Even the media they control never mentions any of this news, or laughs it off as conspiracy theorists, their is a definite method, formula and pattern the Illuminati always use and precedes any false flag.
First of all, you have the media continuing to play the drama, through the thesis, synthesis model of the Hegelian Dialectic. The dialectic attempts to portray a major rift between the U.S. and the Israelis, in relation to the Iranian threat.
This dialectical drama that they attempt to sell to the global public, not just in the U.S. serves several purposes. First of all, it attempts to create this false notion that there is some sort of tension or conflict between the Illuminati controlled Rothchild zionist state, and the Rothchild Illuminati Babylonian state of the U.S. Both are under the same leadership and control, but the mere aspect or illusion that there is tension creates the illusion that if Israel does indeed attack, the U.S. will be an unwilling participant, whose hand will be unwillingly forced into the conflict. Nothing could be further from the truth, as Albert Pike and other high ranking Illuminati from the late 1880's and early 1900's clearly outlined the need for 3 world wars in order to usher in the New World Order, where all are one. Romney uttered this phrase last night, and it is a tell tell sign of what their puppets are always instructed to say to the conditioned masses.
This is all part of the rouse, mainly for an international audience, but it also serves another Heglian dialectical drama within the U.S. political elections. It creates another illusion that there is a great rift between Obama and Romney when it comes to supporting Israel and condemning Iran. Both Obama and Romney are part of the Illuminati cabal, and the superficial differences within this dialectical drama are all merely part of the same game. Play one side off another.
The following article continues to give credence to this false dialectical drama currently being played in the manipulated media.
Also, what is interesting, as I noted a few postings ago is the Illuminati countdown clock that is set for 9/9/12. What is interesting about the countdown is also the fact that the Democratic National Convention is next week, in other words very close to the countdown date on this clock, and according the following Google links, you will see that Hillary Clinton will be no where near the Convention! The Headlines that you will see on all the Google links describe her as, "Clinton as far as possible during DNC," "Clinton fleeing the Country next week," and so on! First of all, why would such a powerful figure not even be at her parties own convention? Secondly, why would all these headlines and articles phrase it in such a way that made it seem like she was indeed fleeing the country prior to the convention?? Let us recall that former Sectretary of State Colin Powel too was in Peru during 911, and now Clinton too will be halfway around the world in Asia next week.
Also, another thing that caught my eye was the fact that the night Obama accepts the nomination, on Sept 6, that event will be in a different stadium than the first two nights. The first two nights will be inside the Time Warner Stadium and the last night will be at the Bank of America Stadium. Another thing is that the event will be Free to the public, something the Illuminati usually don't do, for their interests in money always trumps their good will. Why the different venues??
The timeline for their false flag is quickly closing in on the Illuminati, and they know it. Perhaps past false flag attempts have been put off by them becuase so many people out there in the world recognize their methods and formulas for false flags, and post them on multiple sites way before they can ever actually implement them. Even the media they control never mentions any of this news, or laughs it off as conspiracy theorists, their is a definite method, formula and pattern the Illuminati always use and precedes any false flag.
People around the world are finally, after 500 years of being in the dark about their Luciferian agenda, are finally waking up through help from the Holy Spirit as to who has been in control for that period of historical time, and as their timeline decreases, they know they have to act. This is why the tell tell signs of the coming Illuminati false flag are everywhere.

I found the following article as a sign. An ominous sign from the Good Lord as to ominous events. This is how God has always communicated to people regarding both the good and the bad. He allows us to see and understand the signs that He sends us.
Rains wash away Mount Obama in Charlotte, N.C.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A torrential downpour that struck Charlotte Saturday afternoon damaged the Mount Rushmore-style sand sculpture bust of President Obama — an ominous beginning to what many fear is a plagued convention.
Workers were trying Saturday afternoon to reform the base of the sculpture, built from sand brought in from Myrtle Beach, S.C., pounding and smoothing out the sand that had washed off the facade of the waist-up rendering of the chief executive.
Read more: Rains wash away Mount Obama in Charlotte, N.C. - Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/inside-politics/2012/sep/1/rains-wash-away-mount-obama/#ixzz25GKClU7p
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