Saturday, April 21, 2012





As I have mentioned many times on here before. The Illuminati will begin this world war thinking and assuming that they will win it, just as they won the First and Second World Wars. But this time around prophecy is completely against them, and they will find out too late. I have mentioned on here many times before that the places the Good Lord has indicated to me as being the best places to move to before this nuclear world war encapsulates the entire world will be the Southern Hemispheric countries.

I believe the only country that will not be very safe in the Southern Hemisphere will be Australia. This is only due to the fact that during and after the world war, China will have destoyed a lot of the infrastructure in several of Australia's major eastern coastal areas.

I personally have been guided, [as I have prayed a lot on this issue in the past year.] to Ecuador.

The Good Lord has shown me many signs that point to Ecuador being a very safe, and secure place to be during this time.

A lot of the northern hemisphere will be severely contaminated with a lot of the chemical and nuclear after effects of the war. Especially western Europe, and N. America.

I do believe that the best time to move to any country south of the Ecuator will be during the following time line. Between now and November. After November I do believe it will be too late!

A lot of people believe that having a bug out bag, and a place out in the country will suffice. This is a complete falsehood.

As I have stated before, after the world war, a lot of countries in the Northern Hemisphere will be in very bad shape, and extremely contaminated. Everything from the air, earth and water.

The closer you can get to the Ecuator, and south of there, the better you will be.

If any person reading this prophetic message from Ecuador is reading this message, please feel free to write a message on this blog.

I plan on making my way south this summer, right at the beginning of this war.

Continue to pray my brothers and sisters in Christ and remain vigilant.


Response to Pac Res question--

Thank you for your comment and your question. I have addressed this issue (Rapture) in several past postings.
I will simply say this: If you research back to when, where, and who was the first person who came up with this theory, the Rapture in a general sense, you will find Freemasonic Scottish roots in the Scottish pastor who first created this idea in the mid 1800's.
Although today's adherents of this theory will always quote 2nd Thess. from Scripture as proof that it is Biblically sound, I've always pointed to what Jesus said in the Gospels. He talks about how God the Father will shorten this chastisement for His Chosen ones here on Earth, not in raptured like state. He warns about fleeing to the mountains when one sees the 'Idol of the oppressor,' Where it should not be in Jerusalem.
The Illuminati Christian sects have twisted His words when he talked about how it will be just like in the days of Lot. Where one would be taken and the other left. If we remember correctly, Lot's wife was taken, and Lot was left behind. So in effect, the one that was left behind, who in this case was Lot, was actually the one shown God's great mercy.
Also keep in mind how it was that Albert Pike, in his book, 'The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,' addresses the issue of undermining Christianity. He wrote specifically about how they would do creating a great despair and disillusionment in Christians. How you might ask? By creating the idea of a rapture, and then having nothing occur during this darkest of times. Christians would be greatly disillusioned and despair would set in, just as Albert Pike had envisioned.
This is why so many Evangelical churches have whole heartedly embraced this notion, with no thought as to who it was that first came up with this term and notion.
Remember in the Old Testament, during the night of the Passover. God protected His people by having them sprinkle the blood of a first born lamb over their doorways and windows.
If you look at the warnings of the Virgin Mary in the past 150 years, she says basically the same thing regarding the 3 days of darkness that will be just as the Passover was thousands of years ago. She warns us to have blessed candles in our homes, sprinkle Holy water around the doors and windows, and be in constant prayer of the Rosary for those who must experience such dark days that lie ahead and not to look outside no matter what!
Many souls will be taken during this coming world war. Many souls which are not prepared, just as the 5 bridesmaids that were found lacking and kept out of the banquet when the groom arrived.
Thank you again for your question and your support. May the Good Lord bless you and protect you.

1 comment:

  1. Elijah,
    What is your feeling on post or pre tribulation rapture and why. Thank you for effort you put into this blog.
