Tuesday, April 24, 2012


The following news information refers to how several small towns in Greece are resorting to an age old system that has always been around, ever since humans have been around...The Bartering System.
In Greece, where the Euro has lost so much of its value through excessive printing and inflation, people have now resorted to the age old practice of bartering for goods, and services. This is something that the Illuminati completely do not want the world to catch on to due to the fact that it would put them out of business, seeing how they control the money, and the money supply; the central banks around the world.
But in the Book of Revelation, it clearly alludes to this period of inflationary times of money. Along with this, you will also have wide global famines, especially after the world war.
I'm surprised the Illuminati have not stopped this growing bartering system, because if and when this system catches on, it will very much lead to the end of their power.
Of course the Illuminati could in theory still be very much in control even after people have ejected paper currencies, only because they would probably be the owners of large land holdings, just as it was back in the middle ages.
The prophetic trump card here though is that according to prophecy, the Illuminati will not win this coming world war. So to their victors, will go the spoils.
Just to add this last part...I want to emphasize that the majority of the people will be facing such a harsh future will be those especially affected during and after the world war. Most of these nations as I have stated many times will be found in the Northern Hemisphere.

The Third Seal--Famine
5 When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, "Come." I looked, and behold, a black horse (black horse symbolizes the capitalistic system); and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.

6 And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, "A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine." (refers to the inflationary pressures on the food supply of countries.)

Greek Town Implements Revolutionary Barter System Without Euro
Posted by truther on April 23, 2012

Greece continues along a path toward self-sufficiency that could very well see them break free from their debt servitude.

In the wake of their pillaging by international financiers, Greeks who have realized that protesting is likely to bring little relief have begun to implement barter systems to meet their local community needs. Through a combination of decentralization from the Euro, free markets, local cooperation, and the creation of a new currency based on productivity, markets like the one below in Volos are leading the charge to a restoration of the principles that build truly sustainable economies.

This is an encouraging sign, and one that is replicating throughout austerity-ridden economies the world over. International currencies are increasingly being rejected in the face of reduced living standards through inflation and outright theft by global banksters.

Americans would do well to learn from the truly revolutionary actions taken by individuals in deliberately collapsed countries, because if global (mis)managers have their way, a similar scenario is guaranteed to unfold in the United States.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you have written about bartering. I am someone who really wants to take bartering to its true value and help the world to collaborate more and make it a better place to live and do business. We are initiating the process by launching this site for students www.barterbooksonline.com
    It tool me almost a year from brainstorming to developing the platform to effectively, efficiently and conveniently help our fellow students.
    On average a student spends over $1000 on textbooks every year. IT IS TIME WE SAVE. Introducing the age old barter system in the new world of e-commerce - We have www.BarterBooksOnline.com -Stop Spending and start bartering. We are tying our best to help students to save money and share knowledge in a better platform. I always believe that knowledge is meant to be shared. It is completely free and is made just for students in the purest form of helping them. I have been a student and I know how I felt in spending over 1000 dollars on textbooks. It affected me a lot financially.

    Please let me what do you think about this.
