Thursday, March 24, 2011

China Flexes Muscle In Preparation For World War3!!!
(video of Xuzhou missiel frigate en route to Libya.)

The first time a Chinese missile warship enters the Mediterranean in most recent history,and it just so happens to be during a NATO allied military incursion on Libyan targets.
The Chinese, as well as the Russians have for the past several days been calling for a "cease fire" and now it appears that the Chinese are preparing for something.
The politically correct west, along with its politically correct and indecisive leadership seems to be floundering around like a chicken with its head cut off in relation to who will take command of this new war, while the Chinese and Russians silently begin their own preparations.
I have also attached information regarding a 2006 interview by author Scott Gulbransen. He wrote the book, "The Silent Invasion." The book describes the following:
How Chinese/Russian forces are, and have been preparing for the coming world war just south of the U.S. border.
It also appears that perhaps this drug, narco war in Mexico, could really be the cover for something much bigger. Last week, in a CBS interview, an ATF agent relayed the following information about arms trafficking, which seems to corroborate what Scott Gulbransen says about the arms trafficking back and forth across the US/Mexico border, with full knowledge of both countries at the highest levels.

INTERVIEW: Scott Gulbransen, Author of "The Silent Invasion."
Ryan Mauro - 4/4/2006

Scott Gulbransen wrote a book entitled "The Silent Invasion" describing Marxism, terrorism, intelligence operations, covert economic warfare, corruption and enemy operatives in Latin America. Gulbransen makes a stunning case that the rumors about units of Chinese, Cuban, Russian, and North Korean nationals being in Mexico, engaging in various anti-American activities. Armed with enough investigation, facts and eyewitness reports to make any defense lawyer whimper, Gulbransen reveals a fraction of the frightening truth about what is going on south of the border, where all threats to the USA mingle. With an overwhelmed and overestimated intelligence community, it is people like Gulbransen who we can rely on to finally notice these things.

WRM: Scott, could you explain how you got into this area of research, and the type of research you did?

SG: I really stumbled onto this subject. Through a relationship with author Kathleen Keating, I started tapping into my law enforcement sources that I've developed over the past 12 years and during the time I was a reporter. They began telling me stories about strange activity on the border with Mexico so I decided to do some more research. I researched the revolutionary movements in Mexico and also the radical MEChA and La Raza movements run by Mexicans here in the U.S. I needed to first understand why Mexico would sell us out to enemies like China, Cuba, etc. This research led me to conversations with Mexican nationals that convinced me something was going on and that Mexico was not looking out for its neighbor to the North. I then hooked up with a Border Patrol source who gave me an unreal story about a Border Patrol shooting in Copper Canyon in October of 2000. This event was reported by national media as a "skirmish" but no mention of Chinese and European military personnel accompanied those stories. I wrote that first story on the incident and soon was flooded with credible sources willing to talk to me in private.

WRM: What were your conclusions?

SG: I've come to some conclusions but still am skeptical on others. My main conclusion in The Silent Invasion is simple: there is something happening in Mexico and it's not good for the U.S. and its national security. I have a long way to go before I can prove much of this without a shadow of doubt but certainly the signs are there. Mexico is up to something and is at the very least complicit in allowing America's enemies to use its territories to spy on us.

WRM: Were the Russians, Cubans, Chinese, North Koreans, etc., working together in organized units or did they just have a common presence in Mexico?

SG: My sources tell me Russians, Cubans have been seen working together in organized units. The Chinese and N. Koreans also work together. I have no sources that put units of all four nations together.

WRM: The intelligence communities of the countries with nationals involved in the suspicious activity have long been involved in drug trafficking, organized crime and sometimes, terrorist-related activity. Do you believe this is all an example of their workings?

SG: I don't necessarily believe in the "our government is completely corrupt and evil" argument. Do I believe there are factions of our government involved? Yes, absolutely. But, much to the disappointment of some of my readers, I don't believe Bush and everyone else are pulling puppet strings here. That may not be a popular view with many of my readers but I have found no trail or inkling that is the case. If I do, I certainly would change my mind but I think this is more of a middle-management issue. I do believe there are those in government and law enforcement who know about this and hide it very well.

WRM: What would be the motive of the elements of the law enforcement, border patrol, and government in ignoring, covering-up or even assisting what is going on in Mexico?

SG: If you find the motive in betraying your own country, let me know. I think it's a cross between money, sex and power. These folks are greedy and selling us out to make a buck or are being promised something. They're being blackmailed or some just don't care...they are selfish and are looking out for their own personal interests. That's my own thesis based on the stories I've heard.

WRM: According to Joseph D. Douglass' "Red Cocaine", these activities were often used as intelligence operations to compromise officials, gain intelligence on security, etc. Is there any evidence the foreigners involved in the suspicious activity were involved in this type of intelligence gathering?

SG: I am not familiar with Douglass' work so I wouldn't comment on it. I would say that my research does show these foreign elements do use drugs, sex and other vices to compromise law enforcement and government officials to get them to be quiet. If you have pictures of a married agent with hookers or young boys, you can bet he'll keep things quiet!

WRM: Is there any evidence of a formal bilateral agreement for cooperation in the area of what is going on in Mexico between the participating countries?

SG: Depends on what you consider evidence. I believe, and the book states, that Mexico is complicit out of a desire to reclaim Alta California and other areas of the southwest. They don't sing bilateral agreements on television as they're plotting the downfall of the U.S...

WRM: What are the implications of the common trend among US companies of hiring immigrants from countries, some of us see as potential enemies, like China, the former Soviet republics and Russia, etc?

SG: The ramifications of moving all of our manufacturing jobs overseas are unknown but, in my
view, it cannot be good. If an international war or incident broke out, we wouldn't be able to produce enough goods and services at home to compensate for the loss of overseas resources. In reality, we're all giving up economic freedom so we can buy items at Wal-Mart for less than we can elsewhere. We're selling our souls to save a few bucks.

WRM: What are the implications of the companies moving overseas, and doing such heavy investment overseas?

SG: The globalist movement is taking shape economically now after years of social reforms. It's bad for, highly educated employees, are going to India, et al. It can only lead to disaster.

WRM: What do you believe are the geopolitical and national security-related ramifications on this activity?

SG: The geopolitical and national security ramifications are enormous. We're talking about our worst enemies surrounding us and testing our defenses on a daily basis. If the Cuban Missile Crisis almost resulted in nuclear holocaust, what would happen if the lid was blow of this thing? I shudder to think of what will happen when I am proved right and our nation gets off its collective ass and does something about it.

WRM: But once the country does find out about it, what is so dangerous? Can't simple anti-espionage security measures be taken? How come you feel this is so serious?

SG: If in 1962, we were at the brink of nuclear war over missiles in Cuba, what do you think the reaction would be of Chinese, Russian and N Korean soldiers on our border? A direct threat to the sovereignty of the United States is a serious matter, don't you think? When your enemies are on your border, abetted by an increasingly hostile and socialistic government, can't you see why that's serious? It threatens every American's safety and liberty

WRM: Is it possible these are just regular nationals or immigrants involved in these activities, rather than an organized effort by a government?

SG: No. There is no way Mexican immigrants or Asian immigrants would be conducting organized military activities in the Mexican desert. These are highly organized people.

WRM: How do you respond to the allegations that "sightings" of Asians in Mexican military uniforms may just be soldiers of the Indian population usually found in the southern portion of Mexico?

SG: I think the allegations that many make of the Asians being Native Mexicans is a smoke screen. If you're going to sit there and tell me that Border Patrol agents and Customs officers don't know the difference between those Mexicans and Asians, I'll say your nuts. These men and women deal with Mexican Indians all the time, they know the difference. These are not sightings by tourists or unqualified people. They are on the border every day and round up illegal immigrants all the time. To say they are mistaken questions their intelligence and is just another way to ignore the possibility that this is really happening.

WRM: Are these foreign units possible helping the Marxist, anti-American rebel movements in Mexico (particularly in the south) such as the Zapatistas, or are being used to assist officials seen as "favorable" by governments seeking to undermine American power?

SG: Absolutely. These Marxist elements are on the rise in Mexico AND America. The recent peace protests over the Iraq War was a clear sign that Communism is back strong in the Western Hemisphere and they are making inroads. We are being undermined internally daily and Mexico and its revolutionaries are aiding and abetting.

WRM: It has been said that the current mayor of Mexico City, who enjoys about 80% popularity, may run for president in 2006, and is highly likely to win. Analysts say he would be the Mexican version of Da Silva in Brazil, who is just one of the Fidel Castro fans taking over Latin American countries. Do you feel these activities have any connection to him? And do you see such a figure soon taking hold of Mexico?

SG: These actions very well could have a link to the mayor but Vicente Fox is also not a friend of America. He too, despite his current troubles, is a Globalist bent on destroying American independence. Da Silva and Chavez in South America all are Marxists. Castro is now a celebrity in America and only the older generations of Cuban-Americans are here to remind us what a murderous madman he is. When they are dead, who will hold the flag against Castro? It's very scary how our own media present him as a "hero". This all plays into the propaganda the Communists are using to brainwash the public. We better all wake up before it's too late.

WRM: As Marxists take over Latin America, what happens then? Of course they are hostile, but why is that so dangerous for the US? Many people feel that having an anti-American Latin America is not helpful, but not necessarily an imminent danger.

SG: To think Communism in Central America doesn't pose an immediate threat to the United States is both naive and unfounded. The Panama Canal and key shipping lanes that keep our economy and defense structure in tact all run through Latin and South America. These are all vital strategic areas for the United States. The Monroe Doctrine first established their importance and that importance continues today. I don't think the U.S. being surrounded by Communism/Socialism would be good for our future, do you?

WRM: What does the geopolitical situation look to you throughout Latin America?

SG: Back in the 1980s when President Reagan recognized the threat of Communism in S America, the American media railed against him as an oppressor keeping the poor of Latin American down. In reality, Reagan was a visionary who recognized the threat evil posed in our own hemisphere. During the Clinton years, Communism flourished in Latin American and America did nothing. Now, in the next few years, America could find itself surrounded by leaders who all abide by Marxist philosophies. It's scary, very scary.

Ryan Mauro is a geopolitical analyst. He began working for Tactical Defense Concepts (, a maritime-associated security company in 2002. In 2003, Mr. Mauro joined the Northeast Intelligence Network (, which specializes in tracking and assessing terrorist threats. He has appeared on over 20 radio shows and had articles published in over a dozen publications. His book "Death to America: The Unreported Battle of Iraq" is scheduled to be published in the coming months. In addition to writing for the Global Politician, he publishes his own web site called World Threats. He may be reached at

March 21, 2011 6:21

ATF gunwalking scandal: Second agent speaks out
BySharyl Attkisson


(CBS News) WASHINGTON - South of El Paso, Texas, on Mexico's side of the border, lies Juarez - the most dangerous city in the world. CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports ATF Special Agent Rene Jaquez has been stationed there for the past year, trying to keep U.S. guns from being trafficked into Mexico.

"That's what we do as an agency," Jaquez said. "ATF's primary mission is to make sure that we curtail gun trafficking."

Video: Mexico assignment "most dangerous in the world"

Video: ATF agent describes dangers of "gunwalking"

That's why Jaquez tells CBS News he was so alarmed to hear his own agency may have done the opposite: encouraged U.S. gun dealers to sell to suspected traffickers for Mexico's drug cartels. Apparently, ATF hoped that letting weapons "walk" onto the street - to see where they'd end up - would help them take down a cartel.

Gunrunning scandal uncovered at the ATF

Jaquez is so opposed to the strategy, he's speaking out. "You don't let guns walk. I've never let a gun walk."

Read Agent Jaquez's most recent job performance evaluation summary from ATF management.

Yet ATF agents told us they were ordered to let thousands of weapons walk. Two of them, assault rifles, were later found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in Arizona last December. Another gunrunning suspect under ATF surveillance was linked to the shooting of Customs Agent Jaime Zapata. And sources say many more "walked" weapons turned up at Mexican crime scenes.

Agent: I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico

Jaquez said, "I think this incidence is probably one of the darkest days in ATF's history."

But ATF wasn't working alone on the case known as "Fast and Furious." Documents show ATF had conference calls with "DHS" (Homeland Security). "USMS" (U.S. Marshals) and DEA. An "ICE," or Customs agent, was on ATF's Fast and Furious team. They were advised by an "AUSA," or Assistant U.S. Attorney under the Justice Department.

AK47s vs. bean bags in border drug war

Justice Department head Eric Holder said the inspector general is investigating. "The aim of the ATF is to try to stop the flow of guns. I think they do a good job in that regard. Questions have been raised by ATF agents about the way in which some of these operations have been conducted. I think those questions have to be taken seriously, and on that basis, I've asked the inspector general to look at it."

Holder: Gunwalking is wrong

Jaquez is second sitting ATF agent to come forward and speak out to CBS News on the controversy.

Jaquez says one of the most difficult things for him is believing that his own agency inadvertently put innocent lives at risk. Jaquez has family - uncles, aunts, father and sister - living in Mexico. "Any one of us could have been shot with one of those guns."

Video: NRA members "outraged" over "gunwalking" reports

Jaquez says he's left wondering whether runaway violence in Mexico can be partly blamed on the agency tasked with stopping it.

Read more:


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