Tuesday, October 12, 2010

China Debuts Its Warplanes In The Mideast!

(Chinese Su warplanes over Iran and Turkey.)

This is a major piece of news that only goes to further confirm prophecy in the making. The fact that this is the first time that Chinese warplanes have flown over mid east skies, only goes to further prove the eastern alliance is becoming more prominent and increasing in solidarity.
The fact that for over the past 5 years, I have been waiting for these events to materialize, is also quite humbling to see these prophetic visions are and have been occurring.
The eastern alliance of Russia, Iran, Syria, Turkey, and China, will be the alliance that all prophecy states will be the victors of this coming world war which is about to begin.
China realizes that the west will bring about this war on Iran, and therefore they will be one of the countries most affected if this occurs, due to China's ever growing energy needs for their ever growing economy.
Iran, is Chinas largest supplier of gas and oil, and to attack Iran, is to indirectly attack China as well.
Turkey also realizes that the west does not have their best intentions in mind and so they too are having to expand their military alliances in order to counter NATO's fire power, and with China on board, this is almost 100% assured.

Chinese warplanes make Mid East debut in Turkey and Iran
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

October 12, 2010, 3:33 PM (GMT+02:00)
The arrival of a new Middle East player startled Washington and Jerusalem: debkafile's military sources disclose that when Turkish Prime Minister Tayyep Erdogan met Syrian president Bashar Assad in Damascus Monday, Oct. 11, they talked less about the Kurdish question and more about the role China is willing to play in the military-intelligence alliance binding Syria, Iran and Turkey.

Erdogan took the credit for China's unfolding involvement in the alliance in the role of big-power backer. Two recent events illustrate Beijing's intent:

1. From Sept. 20 to Oct. 6, the Turkish Air Force conducted its regular annual Anatolian Eagle exercise, this time without US and Israeli participation. Israel was not invited and America opted out. However, their place was taken by Chinese Sukhoi Su-27 and Mig-29 warplanes making their first appearance in Turkish skies.

Our military sources report that the Chinese warplanes began touching down at the big Konya air base in central Turkey in mid-September for their debut performance in the Middle East and Europe.
Konya has served NATO and the United States for decades as one of their most important air bases.

2. Our sources add that the Chinese planes refueled only once on their journey to Turkey in… Iran. When they touched down at the Gayem al-Mohammad air base in central Iran, their crews were made welcome by the Iranian air force commander Gen. Ahmad Migani.

It was the first time Chinese fighter-bombers are known to have visited the Islamic Republic.

The Gayem al-Mohammed facility, located near the town of Birjand in South Khorasan, is situated directly opposite the big American base of East Afghanistan near the Afghan-Iranian border town of Herat.

The Turkish prime minister painted the military alliance binding Tehran, Ankara and Damascus in rosy colors for Assad's benefit as more central to the region and more powerful than Israel's armed forces after overcoming the IDF's military edge.

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