The upcoming triple conjunction of Mars, Saturn, Venus and the crescent moon could possibly be more than just another great night for star gazing. The astro alignment according to my research of the occultist practices of the Illuminati will also be very significant for them.
If you are an astute viewer of Hollywood blockbuster films, you will then have noticed that this symbol is actually found in many of their movies. From "The Watchmen" to "Despicable Me," the smiley face is found in many of these films.
The fact that as I have stated before that August 10th could be a significant night due to my belief of a possible Israeli attack on Iran would only be followed up by August 11th, 12th and 13th, when this rare alignment is set to be in place could in fact be a very symbolic and potentially significant sign. One that could potentially be devastating due to the Illuminati's choosing to schedule particular events that fall on certain dates with potential power attributed to these dates from their beliefs in their occult practices and beliefs. Also keep in mind the Illuminati's importance that is attributed to the number 13, the number of rebellion.
Watchmen Smiley and Triple Conjuction August 13th 2010.
President Obama in March at the UN Nuclear Summit told the world that the number one security risk to America was terrorist groups detonating nuclear devices in US cities. Accordingly, numerous federal agencies have been preparing for just such a catastrophe. FEMAs NLE2010, and the military's Operation Golden Phoenix, and Ardent Sentry have simulated government response to exactly this kind of horrific scenario.
For decades, the media has been portraying the circumstances and aftermath of a nuclear holocaust again and again. "The Day After" depicted a full nuclear exchange with the then Soviet Union (Sat Oct 16). Movies like "The Sum of All Fears", "Omega Man", "The Road", "Book of Eli," "The Prophecy," "The Watchmen," and several TV series such as "Jericho", "the Colony" "The Simpons" (Where Lisa Simpson sees smiley faces during a dream sequence and then a nuclear mushroom cloud) all give eerily detailed descriptions of what life in America may be after such an event.
For the past year, the Order of Malta Operative, Alex Jones (reminds me of the angry news anchor on "Network") has been beating the nuclear false flag drum for over a year now at least since the movie "Watchmen" and the web hoax Operation Blackjack appeared on the UKTelegraph website.
So far this year, anxiety has peaked a few times as doomsday dates have come and go such as the Blackjack 6/21 date, and then 7/11 that was predicted by Fidel Castro, and several psychic computers like TimeWaveZero and WebBot in association with the solar eclipse (I think these computer programmers need to take lessons from Paul the Psychic Octopus).
While we are all relieved that no nuclear atrocities have occurred thus far, most of us are uneasy about how the situation with Iran is escalating. Supposedly, it was revealed the the Bildeberg group on June 5th gave the green light to move against Iran. Accordingly, the US and UN have imposed tight sanctions which Iran is evading by way of Syria, Venezuela (the new Axis of Evil).
While UN nuclear regulatory bodies are assuring us that Iran is far from having nuclear weapons, we have threats from American Alqaeda Adam Gadahn, aka Jewish/CIA operative Joseph Cohen, threatening that Alqaeda is going to "even the score". And most recently we have Mahmoud Ahmadinejad saying that to "teach the US a lesson" he is holding off nuclear talks until late August. So, that statement begs the question, whats going to happen mid August?
While listening to CoasttoCoastAM the other night, Clif High from the Webbot Project briefly mentioned some important Astrological signs that are coming up but then told us that he wasn't seeing anything big on the horizon until early November. However, Mr. High failed to tell us that on Fri Aug 13, 2010 is a rare triple conjunction of a crescent moon, Mars, Venus, and Saturn. Triple Conjunctions are significant Astrological events.
Also, a crescent moon and conjunction marked the fall of the great city of Constantinople (crescent and star).
So, what am I getting at here? Well, in my studies of Illuminati symbolism I remember learning that the Walmart Smiley was actually a representation of an Astrological Conjunction. However, the movie "Watchmen" uses a little different variation of the smiley with a red arrow over one eye. The red arrow first refers to Ozymandias/Joker/Comedian (Deacon on Waterworld) and second, it is the symbol for Mars. Accordingly, I think the Comedian's button in Watchmen could refer to the triple conjunction on Aug 13, 2010 and could refer to an important date in the development of a "Watchmen"-like scenario. Ozymandias devises a plan to save the world from MAD with Russia by staging a false flag attack on the US and framing Dr. Manhattan. Surprisingly, all the Watchmen accept the false peace but Rorschach who then is destroyed by Dr. Manhattan.
In case you couldn't guess, the mouth of the smiley represents the crescent moon, the right eye Saturn (in this case) and the red arrow over the left eye would be mars on venus. Not surprising, is the possible occult sexual reference. This sign also produces what is known as the great Heavenly and Astrological smile.
The crescent Moon giving birth to the great star or conjunction of planets is a significant occult symbol. I wonder if a similar sign could mark some act against America.
Remember that the crescent moon and star is a prominent symbol on the Illuminati funded Denver Airport Mural depicting the burning city/forest, the dead leopard, the 3 women in caskets. The center dead Native American woman with the halo is holding a baby which some believe is a nativity scene representing the birth of the Antichrist. The moon and star symbol is depicted above on the Maya Codex in the shape of Russia held by the Maya Girl standing under the Queztal bird.
Therefore, could this Astrological sign mark some event against America???
So, what am I getting at here? Well, in my studies of Illuminati symbolism I remember learning that the Walmart Smiley was actually a representation of an Astrological Conjunction. However, the movie "Watchmen" uses a little different variation of the smiley with a red arrow over one eye. The red arrow first refers to Ozymandias/Joker/Comedian (Deacon on Waterworld) and second, it is the symbol for Mars. Accordingly, I think the Comedian's button in Watchmen could refer to the triple conjunction on Aug 13, 2010 and could refer to an important date in the development of a "Watchmen"-like scenario. Ozymandias devises a plan to save the world from MAD with Russia by staging a false flag attack on the US and framing Dr. Manhattan. Surprisingly, all the Watchmen accept the false peace but Rorschach who then is destroyed by Dr. Manhattan.
In case you couldn't guess, the mouth of the smiley represents the crescent moon, the right eye Saturn (in this case) and the red arrow over the left eye would be mars on venus. Not surprising, is the possible occult sexual reference. This sign also produces what is known as the great Heavenly and Astrological smile.
The crescent Moon giving birth to the great star or conjunction of planets is a significant occult symbol. I wonder if a similar sign could mark some act against America.
Remember that the crescent moon and star is a prominent symbol on the Illuminati funded Denver Airport Mural depicting the burning city/forest, the dead leopard, the 3 women in caskets. The center dead Native American woman with the halo is holding a baby which some believe is a nativity scene representing the birth of the Antichrist. The moon and star symbol is depicted above on the Maya Codex in the shape of Russia held by the Maya Girl standing under the Queztal bird.
Therefore, could this Astrological sign mark some event against America???
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